My MB twin has started coming out of Deep Standby at the wrong time - too early! The box is kept in the bedroom and is not used much. I have a PowerTimer set to boot the box from deep standby each day at 18.00. My ABM is set to run at 18.04 and CrossEPG at 18.07. The PowerTimer then shuts the box down and returns to deep standby at 18.10. I also have another PowerTimer which puts the box in deep standby after 15 minutes in normal standby. I do this to minimise electricity consumption as the box is idle most of the time.

I've noticed recently that the box is actually booting at about 17.12 and goes into standby mode. After 15 mins the second PowerTimer kicks in and returns the box to deep standby. The box then boots again about 17.59 and ABM and CrossEPG run as scheduled and the box shuts down to deep standby at 18.10 as it should. It does this every day if I haven't used the box in the interim. I've found out that the clock/ticker in the front panel (which runs when the box is in deep standby) is gaining two minutes every hour. If I use the box at (say) 12.00 and then put it into deep standby manually, it will then wake at 17.48 - 12 minutes early! This is quite repeatable. I've tried various intervals and the box always boots from deep at ( 2 x hour_interval) minutes early. I updated the Front Panel firmware from the Plug-Ins menu some months back. It was on version 2.00.31 of RHS500SV. Thinking that it might be to blame I have updated to 2.00.32 but this has made no difference.

I'd like to rule out a hardware issue with my box and would like some help from MB Premium Twin owners in identifying the issue please

What you could do for me is to set a PowerTimer for a time which is a number of hours in the future - at least 6 preferably. Put the box in Deep Standby and then check the time the box actually boots. If it's the same as mine it will boot 6 minutes early for three hours or 10 minutes for five hours etc. I'ts preferable to set a PowerTimer, rather than a recording timer, as recording timers will start earlier than scheduled in any case dependant on your own recording settings. If the PowerTimer boots at the correct time, please respond on the thread and let me know what version your Front Panel firmware is, please. This info is on the box information menu under frontprocessor version. You can also check it by looking at /var/log/messages and searching for MCU. My MCU details from messages is:
{129}[MCU] ver : 2.00.32
{129}[MCU] model : RHS500SV
{129}[MCU] power : RCU