Hi - I thought id play devils advocate....

Im in the middle of updating receivers in my house....im selling all my SD based receivers. 2x db600's and 2x 7025's. I took the jump a couple of years ago and bought a vuduo2. Its been brilliant. Ive used it mainly on 28.2 and over the time ive had it, its got better and better mainly due to the Vix team. Ive updated it with a duo2 and that's just as good if not better.

So, the question is, is the dreambox too highly priced.? im looking at a 7020hd and I don't mind pulling the trigger and getting one if im going to get the longevity out of it. Pros from what I can see are....

1. Multiboot. I love the Barry Allen software and all that it does - means you can play around with images and keep a stable one for general usage. Always used this on all of my DB's. Something which the vu doesn't do (although I think its experimental at the moment)
2. Usage. While the Vu is on a fixed system the db will be on a 1m motorised system. The vu with the vix software seems to be more a-tuned to 28.2 usage (which is fine) and will continue to keep me as a regular buyer of VU stuff.
3. Longevity. DB's seem to last a very long time....just updated my 7025 before it left me with new images...they seem to be well supported across the board...


1. Expensive, very expensive!
2. As there has been an explosion of enigma 2 boxes in the last couple of years they don't seem to be as exclusive as they were...maybe that's just me though.

As I say its really more of a mess around experimental learning tool for me. If anyone has any opinions id love to hear them especially 7020 owners and their opinions. It would be nice to hear someones review of the box now theyre established. I can read a review on the net but that will just give me a spec and a walkthrough of the hardware. Id like to hear from people that are using new images that have enabled new functionality - that kind of thing. A case in point would be the LT Team images - first time I used one of those on my 7025 it was like a new box....new interface/skin, tools, downloads from the remote...that kind of stuff.

Be nice to hear from people big up the Dreamboxes...!