Quote Originally Posted by jop99 View Post
I saw this video on you tube. showing the ability to stream content from iOS to the Dreambox / VU etc..

That is exactly what I'm after. as it eliminates the issue of having to lean forward to pick up the tv remote to switch inputs to apple TV if i suddenly feel the urge to show my wife a silly video of a pig falling off a ladder (or whatever the latest meme is).... sorry im going off track.

The code/plugin for airplayer is here:

support is in german ?maybe? and I have not had any luck in getting it to work.
ive only tried installing it the normal way. (ftp to volatile\tmp folder and then install from the gui)

Just thought I'd post it here as it may be of interest to others, and maybe someone out there has been successful.
This definately looks interesting, i could potentially replace my apple tv or at least have an alternative for certain things.

I will need to look into this to get this setup. Thanks, also let us know if you make any progress.