Let me just sum it up so theres no misunderstanding, if i install fresh oscam-latest from the feed, it uses /etc/tuxbox/config directory, for the config,
then im adding oscam-whatever and using the linked script (ofc edited the directory of the bin and name etc), and start it, both oscams work from thier own default config directories, for latest its above, and for whatever its /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam
but as soon as i replace oscam-latest bin file, with the one bin i need and rename it to oscam-latest, set permission, restart the box, suddenly oscam-latest now is using oscam-whatever config files from /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam instead of its own default config directory
i dont know how to make my own starting script, and when i tried to edit the oscam-latest script, to change the config directory (or based on this, create another one for the other oscam bin, with different directories), it just doesnt do anything
so i actually installed oscam-latest, and oscam-stable few hours ago, on fresh system, and both bins use /etc/tuxbox/config as the default directory for config, not the folder named as the bin, theres a config in /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest, but the bin doesnt use it at all i always thought its just an example for ppl who dont know how to set up thier oscams, so they can copy these files to /etc/tuxbox/config and start oscam and keep working from there.
Unix starttime: 1699888921
Starttime: 13.11.2023 15:22:01
Version: oscam-1.20_svn-r11725
Compiler: arm-oe-linux-gnueabi
Box type: H9Twin (generic)
PID: 2385
TempDir: /tmp/.oscam
GBox tmp_dir: not defined using: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir: /etc/tuxbox/config/
WebifPort: 83
theres fresh installation of oscam-latest not using /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-latest for config directory