Some more logs from this mornings run.
Crashed again. Came out of deep standby itself again at 07.30.
Box on 02 Feb was put to sleep at ~23:30. Then came on the next day (03 Feb) at ~07.30.

It seems EPGRefresh takes box out of deep standby and puts it to active (rather than just standby) which then results in the
Box still in use, rescheduling
message thus it doesn't run.
I have now set EpgRefresh to 'Force scan' so will provide updates later/tmwEnigma2_debug_2023-03-03_07-27-38.logEnigma2_crash_2023-03-03_07-27-56.logEnigma2_debug_2023-03-03_07-28-06.logepg refresh config 03 feb 23.jpg