Hi all and if so HNY!
Out here in the start of Summer it is mid 30's °C on the roof already and I have a new OS MIO+ 4K and Unicable to get this elusive
OPTUS D1 satellite with all the ABC/ SBS (Australian Public FTA broadcasters) lined up after an interval of 5 years without, interim we have had to use the beastly VAST, pay for access (sort of) not all services available and a 3 second channel change delay on a good day.
Australia is a big place, there are feeds for every time zone on D1 and as we are a Sheep Station, well inland, it is handy to come in late and record/ watch something from an interstate feed which can be
1hr ahead, ½hr, 1hr, 1½hrs or 2hrs behind our Eastern time Zone,
yes five time zones when horrid DST is enabled and three time zones for the disabled DST six months.
The satellite is over head 11° East and has a low signal because the broadcasting sites where it is designed for have typically 4M+ rx dishes,
BUT all TP's here are within 2% RSQ.
So, I have a 1.5M PF (prime focus) from Australia's first system in the 1970's called HACBSS (Homestead and Community Broadcasting Satellite Service) which was connected to a B-MAC decoder from Scientific Atlanta ! (I still have the decoder and it was the
first sold in this area).
Anyway essay over, time moves on and multistream comes to D1 in 2017, so our DUO 2 can't sit with that, but the Edision now can.
(More later/ in the MIO+ 4k thread, wrt).
From the PF dish I get fairly good stable results of about 85% signal quality.
On another I have a 1M with a new GT-SAT GT S1dCSS24 Unicable LNB from WOS, fed with low loss quad shield foam ½" 75Ω.
When I connect to the (GT-SAT GT S1dCSS24) legacy port on D1 the Edision gives stable and better quality than the PF as its NF is 0.3dB whilst the GT-SAT LNB is 0.1dB, which is rare here for LNB's and cannot be bought/ found in Australia at that low figure.
However when I use the Unicable port and set the Edision to what I reckon are the correct choices (see following images), the signal pulses in and out, from 88% to 0% all the time, with a sequence of six seconds.
So at 0s = 88%, 3s = 40%, 6s = 0% RSQ ! Over and over on a loop (have I said something there?).
There is a Telstra approved/ branded 700mHZ cell extender antenna along from the Unicable dish, but turning it off doesn't improve the behaviour.
I am sure there will be instruction (to novice) from the big KB which is VIX/ WOS !!
PF x 0.3dB single LNB stable service
Change to Unicable LNB
Unicable peak signal
6 Seconds later low signal