If somebody has several boxes (e.g. I have three, and I use - just to be safe - OpenATV on the third one), it is a reasonable strategy, that there is an "failsave" one (everything checked, everything works) and there is one you can "step forwards" if you want.
I have already tried OpenVIX 6.0 before, and got back to 5.4 immediately (not just because of Python3!).
It was still possible at that time.
6.2 seems to be okay, and what is not working because of Python3, that is working on OpenATV.
But ViX is "more friendly" for me, then ATV. I would prefer to use ViX Python3 on one box and ViX Python2 on an other one.
And this is
not laziness, speaking for myself sure not: It is not me, who writes the plugins and and who does not create their "compatible" (!) P3 version!
On my opinion Python2 is
not out of date, no matter how old it is.
So the
last ViX with Python2 is not either !
It can happen in the future at any time, that something is mentioned which would worth to try and I would use it also if I like it, but if it is Python2, then it cannot be done In ViX anymore.
I do not use it much either, but this downloads m3u playlist from stalker portals. As I know, that on the box does not handle m3u playlists.
e2m3u2bouquet - "shooting canons to catch a fly"
It is useful to have a "long-time working" m3u list
But it is still some work with it, which item which #SERVICE (1, 4097, 5002 ?).
The m3uplayer is useful, if you have an htttp: link, then I edit it from PC in an m3u file (it can handle several files!) - e.g. samba would be needed for this also! - and I can watch it on the tv immediatly.