I think it's 1m, I bought the whole setup in 2005 when I had a DM 7020 so it's had a good run even if it does pack up. I do agree it is bloody slow to turn especially from 30w to 13e when watching footy. I was planning to work on it weekend just gone but the monsoon put paid to that. Once I get a dry day I'll do a re-set and re-align if needed.

I'll report back once I've done it. I've physically tugged the dish and motor mounts and it won't move and there are no fresh shiny scratches, just old rusty marks.

On a slightly different tack Joe, are there any sat dishes 1- 1.5 m that use screw jacks (or threaded rod) to adjust and not these nut & bolts on the side contraptions? They always move/flex once I torque them up. My old VSAT's had screw jacks which made alignment a doddle especially tweaking for that last dB