I am currently looking into getting a portable kodi machine and was considering buying either the rpi2 or the banana pro, as the latter is only 2€ more expensive where i live. I am partly aware of each boards benefits. The most conpelling pro of the banana pro to me is the built in wifi, sata connector and composite video (as i plan on using the build with new screens that have hdmi input as well as really old tvs that only have composite). Unfortunately the support for the pro is awful and im not even sure if there is hardware acceleration support yet.

So now i am here asking for recommendations on which board to buy. If buying the rspi i will have to buy a really small usb wifi adapter, hdmi to composite and sata to usb connector for the hdd i plan on putting my movies on. Btw, i will use the machine mainly for watching 1080p movies on the aforementioned screens.

Has anyone ever had any experience with the banana pro or at least banana pi? What boards should i use?