OK, thank you again abu b. Thanks to you the laptop can now see the 4008 via Dreamboxedit and it says the passwords etc are fine. Blimey, all this before 8 o'clock in the morning.

Now then...

I created a new folder in Windows to store the current list.

I pressed Receive Files from Dreambox.

I got the following:

Log in successful
Retrieving file list of var/tuxbox/config/enigma
starting FTP transfer
Transfer complete
retrieving file lis of var/tuxbox/config/enigma
Starting FTP transfer
Neither a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory "%" on the Dreambox. var/tuxox/config/enigma/
Check the dream path settings on the option panel to point to the correct Dreambox directories and try again

Still, it's progress beyond my wildest dreams.

Starting with a blank channel list is seeming the most useful option - if it's possible.