Quote Originally Posted by pantsman28 View Post
oscam seems to be the way forward to manage lines but having problems with it freezing, which don't seem to happen with CCCam 2.3.0

I am guessing its a problem with my configurations. 1 C lines & 1 N line

Oscam server.
[reader 1]
label                         = active
description                   = 28E
protocol                      = newcamd
device                        = *****
key                           = 0102030405060708091011121314
user                          = *****
password                      = *****
inactivitytimeout             = 1000
fallback                      = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws         = 1
caid                          = 0963
group                         = 1
ccchop                        = 10
audisabled                    = 1

[reader 2]
label                         = CCam
description                   = 28E
protocol                      = cccam
device                        = *****
user                          = *****
password                      = *****
inactivitytimeout             = 1000
reconnecttimeout              = 10
fallback                      = 1
cacheex_block_fakecws         = 1
group                         = 2
cccversion                    = 2.3.0
cccmaxhops                    = 10
ccckeepalive                  = 1
cccreconnect                  = 2000
audisabled                    = 1

logfile                       = /tmp/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout               = 1150
nice                          = -1
lb_mode                       = 1
lb_retrylimit                 = 500
lb_stat_cleanup               = 48
failbantime                   = 10


enabled                       = 1
au                            = 1
pmt_mode                      = 0
user                          = user1
boxtype                       = dreambox

httpport                      = 8888
httpallowed                   =,,,
can anyone advise?
You need to go away and reread the forum rules.

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