Quote Originally Posted by Trial View Post
if formating does not help I would buy a new card they do not cost a lot anymore. Dropbox would be only an alternative for some things but not for internal memory. I just bought 2*64GB for my car for less then €30 for both.

Yeah I think I will order a new card and see, can get a 32gb or 64gb Samsung one for 10 quid or something.

Quote Originally Posted by duoduo View Post
It's his wife's phone, I mean beyond taking pictures they only tend to use for calls and texts right??!! Dropbox will do what you want or you could take a chance with another so card but seen as though you have tried a couple of times I know what I would go for.
lol yeah that's all they use for, taking pictures and texts, She was due a new phone anyway so have ordered her one last night. I am going to have the S4 so can mess about it with it more and not worry about corrupting the pictures, I will try whats been suggested and post on this thread what happens.
