Hi Sicilian, could you please move this thread to the right place, please.
Thank you.
Hi Sicilian, could you please move this thread to the right place, please.
Thank you.
Vu+ Solo2
Hi scar0x,
Does v. 3.2.013 solved the problem for you?
Vu+ Solo2
Hi judge, thanks for your help.
I use cccam221(2.2.1-r5).
I've used this cam for a long time without a problem. In fact, the 'big crash' I got as described by scar0x (no more ftp, nor telnet, no more plugins, etc. with the error message he reported) produced earlier this week with v. 3.2.010 and without any cam as I've tried lots of configs during days as I explain in my early posts.
Vu+ Solo2
I just have one tuner (Solo 2).
In fact it seems like the crash is corrupting the flash memory and the only thing you can do after that is to flash it again.
But more strangely, after having had this crash one of the first things I do was to go back to backuped images of prior versions that worked (I tried back to Apollo 166), and this versions working in the past, now crashed (exactly same 'big crash')!
Is like something get changed and 'memorized' or an hardware problem.
So I flashed the legacy Vu+ image and had no crashes (but I cant be sure because they are random and can come after more than ten hours working ok).
Then I googled and find this thread with exactly the same error that make me think it wasn't an hardware problem.
Vu+ Solo2
The Solo 2 is a twin tuner receiver.
Ah, and of course, nothing plugged into the usb ports and I reformatted my hdd to be sure that nothing could 'hide' there.
Is there some areas of internal flash (low level drivers or so) that can be changed and not updated by the images? (try to understand where a change could had been made ans memorized).
Vu+ Solo2
Excuse me, you are right. But I dont think it has something to do with softcams because as I've explained I had this crash also without any cam.
Vu+ Solo2
Are you able to get a crash log from /home/root/logs/ ? If so, please upload as an attachment.
Purely speculation here, do you get the crash without the USB tuner?
Vu+ Solo2
abu baniaz (17-10-15)
In the logs settings.
Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Logs location
Davitat (17-10-15)
Bad news...
I've changed Logs Location to hdd and also activated 'debug mode'.
I had 2 crashes with v.3.2.013 but every time the '/media/hdd/logs' was empty!
First time I thought that perhaps for some reason, software have had no time to write log data before the program hanged, but it'worse... At the second crash I had some debug log files into '/media/hdd/logs' before the crash and they where wiped after the crash. Blank directory, nothing.
If not because the creator of this thread reported exactly the same issue, I'll would think that this is an hardware random problem.
Any idea?
Vu+ Solo2