What is Enigma2 Transcoder ?
It is web application for transcoding, recompressing, resizing stream from your enigma2 receiver .
Why ?
You can stream your favorite HD TV show to your cell phone over 3G/4G. Stream will be scaled to not use so much bandwidth.
What i need for this web app ?
You need windows or linux computer and enigma2 based receiver.
How can i watch stream ?
With web application built in flash player, vlc player, BSPlayer (android)
How does it work ?
Between receiver and device where you want to see stream is computer which serves WEB application where you can select TV channel for transcoding. This computer transcodes your selected stream.
Login Page:
Main Page:
How to install it:
This manual is how to install Enigma2 Transcoder on Windows Computer.
1. Download last application version from here
2. Extract archive to disk c:
3. Edit file c:\DB\web\admin\config.php , set here receiver IP, username etc..
4. Start c:\DB\start.bat
5. Open link http://yourcomputerip:8888/admin/ on browser
6. under settings push button “reload playlist”, this will download bouquets to application
If in “start.bat” window you see error probably you need install VC11 redistributable X86
web server port you can change in start.bat file
Basically E2 transcoder can run also on linux or windows computer, with any other web server like IIS, apache, nginx which supports PHP.