Hi @jwestwood74. I have to say "thanks" for trying all suggested - I realise it is frustrating and disruptive. It is just about the very best I can do. From all you say, I don't understand - you have taken all the correct steps it seems?

If you want to try something as part of "debug", you can take the skin_user file from post 3 which changes the behaviour of the screen "EventViewSimple". @Rossi updated his code in the Hades 12 release of Confluence, however the original file in post 3 should change the behaviour of the recorded EventView so that the picon works, but because @Rossi is using Panels now (based on EventViewSimple), that original mod will break the picon in the other EventView screens only, this will prove two things:

1. That the skin_user xml is being used or not
2. Changing the code does have an impact on the skin behaviour

It is only a debug process.

Good news is that @Rossi will update the Confluence skin to enable this feature shortly, thus making the "mod/fix" redundant.
Best I can do with the info you supplied. Good Luck