i have had a few of them of the years mainly working in city centres where i have over stayed the allotted time , although i have put a notice in the windscreen gas engineer working on a gas leak please call , this does not wash with them anymore they just ticketed you but i have appealed against them and won because i could prove what i was doing with the job sheet so it is always worth appealing if you a working in city centres . i remember a tail when i was with a firm , one of the guys working with us got clamped down in London somewhere just as he was retuning from a job with hand tools in hand he was asked if it was his van and no its the companies and was asked are you going to pay for it to be released and he said no , he opened up the side door got his remaining tools out of the van and told you can have the van i am off and went home , the firm had to pay for the van to get it back it was in the days of them vicious clampers who charged what they liked, the guy did not work for the firm for very long after .