As posted on the Commando Forum.....
We are delighted to announce that our latest C14.7 online update has just gone live, folks! This involves a root image reflash and the updated C14.7 will be date-stamped 16 July 2013
Cheers- Renny and AL
8th Commando 14.7 online update 16 July 2013
Radical overhaul of the /var/bin scripts folder, where two dozen standalone scripts
have been consolidated into four super-scripts, so avoiding much duplication.
Utilities Menu is now on the BLUE button, with pretty coloured buttons! SML is now
always on tap in there. Volume control menu moved from AutoBouquets Wizard into the
new Utilities menu too, with Swap Volume keys, and Online Updates, DOS2LINUX, etc.
A number of (AL-induced) bugs in RT-EPG were found and fixed. We recommend that
users running RT-EPG mode carry out the SML again. After a run of AutoBouquets,
everything will then be as it should be.
More tasty picons from Ronan, including a selection of five default picons for the
rubbish channels that don't have a dedicated picon. These constantly switch every
5 minutes, using an infinite background loop routine. Purely cosmetic, but fun...
Finally, a smashing new GUI Theme by Ronan for you to try, where he has matched the
colour scheme found on the Sky HD box. If ever a C14.8 is released, this will be the
default theme, for sure! It's called 'Sky HD' and thanks, Ronan!
Helpfiles updated to reflect the above changes where applicable