I have finally saved up enough money for a new satellite reciever for the bedroom (its took me long enough). I have a vuduo downstairs connect to the LAN direct to a Wireless N router cant remember what its called the free one you get with Virmin. The new receiver will be in the bedroom so will need a wireless N dongle (wired is not an optoin) and must be able to play recorded HD content from the VUDuo downstairs. Has anyone got this type of configuration set-up..

I guess I would need at minimum a vusolo and a Tenda W150M or similiar wireless dongle...

If someone can confirm that this will seamlessly play HD content (using the VIX or pli image) that would be brilliant.
I remember a while back that the open pli image had an issue with the local LANs link speed. This was noticed when copying large files from the hard disk to my laptop. (the bottle neck was the vu Duo)...

any advice would be greatly appreciated.