
Apologies for the complete newbie questions here, hopefully someone can help.

I bought a Gigablue UHD Quad 4K UHD with the additional twin satellite tuner.
I have Astra1 and Astra2 satellites, with two cables from each into my living room.

Currently I have just one cable from each satellite connected to tuner A and B.
Tuner A is set to Simple configuation mode, Single mode and 28.2E Astra2E/2F/2G
Tuner B is set to Simple configuation mode, Single mode and 19.2E Ka-band Astra 1KKR/1L/IM/1N

The other cable from each satellite is currently connected to my TV via DisEqC switch, while I set up my Gigablue.

With the above config, when I scan for channels I am not finding any channels on tuner B (Astra1), only channels on tuner A.
So obviously something is not right with my config.
What do I need to change?

Ultimately I want to connect both cables from each satellite to my Gigablue.
Is it best to connect the cables from 1 satellite to tuners A & B, and the other cables to tuners I and J, or connect 1 cable from each satellite to tuner A/B and 1 cable to tuner I/J?

Assuming all the above, what configuration should I use for tuners C to H?
