Hi Folks

Hoping someone here can help

The Network Card in the Gigablue unit seems to have stopped working. I have no idea when this happened.

Let me explain briefly. I went to update the box on Monday - scan for new Stations and the like. Whilst there I thought I'd check for software updates from TeamBlue. It was then I found out that the Network card wasn't working. I thought I might have configured the Network card for a fixed IP address on a different network so I switched over to DHCP, and no address was picked up. So I figured I would set a fixed IP in the correct Subnet with the correct gateway etc. (I work in IT so I know about subnets, gateways, DNS etc.). This also did not work. So today I powered the box off for a half hour and re-flashed it. I tried TeamBlue, OpenVix and OpenPLi. None of those have resolved the issue.

So my questions are:
  1. Anyone know of a way to reawaken the network card
  2. If not, are there any known USB Network dongles that might work (I appreciate there may be a need to load a module as this is Linux)?
  3. Would I be able to stick in one of those USB Wireless Antennas and make that work?
  4. Any other possible solutions that anyone can think of?

Hoping that someone out there has experienced this and found a fix or knows a way to resolve this?

Thanks in Advance!