Birdman do you really think that picking a suggestion apart of somebody who is just trying to help resolve the OPs issues is really going to help anybody, what your doing is just petty and is no help to anybody. Being an integral person within the VIX team i would have thought you would have known better.

But you'll the have to set an IP address which is not in the router's DHCP range.
Utter Tosh, you only have to change it up a few digits just to ensure there is no IP address conflict, i.e two devices using the same IP, but i'm sure you already know that.

Err....that's not changing the last digit anyway.
Typo, should have said digits, but either way the OP obviously understood what i was trying to do.

Forums are supposed to be a friendly place where people come for help, not a place where some clever clog thinks its OK to try and belittle somebody. If your going to help the OP then help him, your previous post gave no help whatsoever did it!