Hi Guys,

I have been the happy user of my Vu+ duo for 5 years. at the time i bought it trough a local dealer.
By using the info in all the posts I read here on this forum, I was able to flash it with Open VIX.

last week it started behaving badly. when i tried to view a recorded program or simply switch channels it would reboot.
my plan was to flash a more recent version of Vix. i decided to do this the next day and I turned it off.
The next morning the box would no longer boot. the only thing i got was the "red light of death"

As I have no experience with the soldering bolt repairing electronics, I took it to my dealer. I also printed out the sticky to show him the possible solution I found here on the forum.
He opened the box and had a close look and told me that there were no visible signs of damage. he explained to me that when a capacitor has died or dried out, it shows a small bulge. is that true?
anyway he was going to take a further look later in the week.

As I haven't heard from him, I called him to inform about the receiver. he hasn't found the problem, but he was happy to propose a new Mut@nt HD1500.
Hmm, I am wondering if this was his plan from the beginning.

I guess I will have to buy a new receiver. for this I am looking at WOS

the Mut@nt HD1500 I can order from WOS is cheaper including shipping to Belgium then what my local dealer offered me. Obviously I don't have to go to him for the extra service...
I also like the Edison OS Mega because it had 3 tuners
or I could stick to Vu and have a Vu+ solo2.

I think they will all do the same or more than the Vu+duo I had before.

what do you guys think? should I attempt a rescue of my Vu+Duo my self? or buy a new one with WOS? would the Edison be a good choice?

