Hi, all

I have a question around iptv

BBC three as everyone knows now has been taken off air for TV and is only available online

I have found a stream HTTP link for BBC three and works a treat on vlc on my laptop

I downloaded add stream to URL plugin from the Openvix feeds and entered the URL address for BBC three and added it to my bouquet

When I play the channel it freezes after 10-30 seconds and the only way I can continue to watch on my duo2 is to zip to a different channel and then back too BBC three.

I know it's not an issue with my internet as I have 150mb+ unlimited and he channel works absolutely fine with vlc on my laptop

Is there a setting or a plugin or some sort of script or workaround for this so that the iptv channel will just continuously play?

I also tried playing the channel through ts media plugin hoping it could handle it better but it's the same result

I'm currently on latest Openvix build

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance

Note - BBC three is a free to air channel and I'm not asking for support which breaks the rules of this forum