Hi I've got a TM600 with the latest UR-SR image. This was all pre-loaded and setup by some local guy.
Everything is working OK...but when I wanted to upload a custom channel list with DCC, or dreamset, or dreambox edit and I could not get in.
I don't know the password...I contacted the guy but he tells me that he doesn't know or setup any password (To be honest I'm not sure if that's the truth )
I tried all possible combinations that I read around forums and none of them work...

I read that using the plugin "tuxbox commander" I can reset the password.
I don't think have this plugin installed as going with the yellow button it doesn't show, so I went to download and install
but going via the blue planel (UR panel) I cannot find it anywhere...I'm running out of options.
I need help please.

Thank you