Followed the instructions on page 20 - 22 in ViX-Manual PDF for ABM and copied the screenshots inputs - but did not get the results shown on page 23!

Instead that page "Sky England - Entertainment (TV)" on my VU+ Duo2 has channel Numbers starting at 12065 for "BBC1 Lon" to 12079 for BBC3 HD & I don't think that the HD/SD channel swap (where applicable) has worked out correctly either.

Am I meant to delete all the scanned channels first and only then use ABM? - The ViX-Manual does not make this point clear.

Am I meant to follow just the screenshots in the manual or just the text? Re the ABM section the text & Screen menu shots to me at the moment seem to contradict each other a bit?

As it seemed counter-intuitive to not select (according to the screen shots) the SKY England setting in Providers so I didn't initially but then couldn't find the Sky England page shown on page 23 so only then selected Sky England & only then found the screen shown on manual page 23 - what gives?

What I am trying to achieve is to get the channels arranged like Sky by Sky channel number (as shown on p23) so Magazine TV guide channel numbers can be used to jump around channels for user friendliness (for the whole household), pick up all possible additional (Irish etc.) channels at 28.2E mentioned in the ViX-Manual - get it to all auto update to follow channels around to new frequencies & add / delete Sky channels etc. following what Sky etc. make available - all of which I understand ABM is meant to automate - a bonus would be to intelligently swap all SD channels to their HD version but on the SD channel number - what's now left of HD that is - ABM can do all this from what I have read but I have gone wrong somewhere - help would be appreciated in making what is shown on p23 appear & work all the way from Sky Ch101 to Ch999 - Regards.

PS have re-ordered ABM provider list put "sky sat eng" at the top but the numbers still are not right "BBC one" is now at 2012 with "BBC three" at 2026 better than 12065 & 12079 respectively - but still no cigar! Must be missing / misinterpreting something - Help! (Please).