i think all that is being said is when one gives their spare time to do something then, why do ppl have to rant and rave about it not being corretc or taking too long yes i know there is a responsability as i am a volunteer here too and when i was younger i used to partake in a government scheme called Millenium Volunteers where the aim was to get 200 hours volunteered in a year to get your award. i still hold the rcord of doing it in 3 months and it was all my spare after colledge time. but not once did anyone say to me oh thats taking too long or oh you got it wrong it was more to the point no worries mate just take your time.

All i'm saying is yes reposability is there as the developer but can ppl refrain from saying when is it releasing or is rubbish get you act together as did one user say [Sic banned him for 7 days] and things like that. all Andy would like is for ppl to either like it ot not like it thats an idividual choice of the end user. yes bug reporting is important but ripping into it in a bad way is wrong as its a volunteered labour of love and its like ripping into your most prised possetion. i bet you wont like that too