Hi, i have both a Vu Ultimo and Vu Solo , I have Genuine Vu Usb Wifi Stick , im using Virgin SuperHub , the very early vix 3.0 built it used to work, but not anymore on newer builds i can find the wireless insert password but as soon press ok to connect , No connection, i tried changing settings on the virgin superhub , wireless channels, encryption but noting, i notice it does connect to other wireless router i tested, seems not compatible with superhub, strange thing is with Blackhole or Openpli it connects no problems , with superhub at same settings when trying with vix 3.0 image,

so i decided to try another wifi usb stick chipset see if works so ordered the Ferguson Wi-Fi W02 from

tried it on both vu solo and ultimo , in wireless when searching for wireless doesnt pick up anything, then when trying blackhole or openpli 3.0 picks up and connects with no problems,

anyone help me out with this
