Hi All,

Sorry if these are silly questions, I have read as much as I can and used the search facility.
I've bought a Solo2 and a dreambox 500 (probably a clone judging by the price). The Solo is for the lounge and the DM500 for the bedroom (no HD TV in that room). The idea is to record shows from the lounge onto my PC and being able to watch them in bed sometimes.

I've flashed the 500 with Gemini_0470_DM500_max_var_12122009 and it starts ok, watching the Beeb with no probs.
I've flashed the Solo with openvix-3.0.600-vusolo2_usb.zip and again the Beeb is coming through loud and clear.

Using my web browser I can "talk" to both boxes.

I've downloaded Vix 28.2 East Sky UK Bouquets 03-03-13 and using DreamboxEDIT have FTP'd the contents to both boxes. Here's my problem, I'd have expected both boxes to have a similar appearance and that both boxes and channel numbers would be similar to my previous Sky+ HD box. But they are all completely different.

Have I really missed the point or am I doing something wrong?

Cheers, in advance,
