I mentioned this in passing while finishing off a thread that I started before purchasing my new Duo a week or so ago.

After a bit of experimenting I've got all the features set up now that I was looking for and I'm very impressed with the box and the Vix interface.

I initially set up CrossEPG to download to internal memory while awaiting the arrival of my new internal HDD and pen drive. The 7-day EPG is working fine, but I want to change the location now to the internal HDD, and the option to do so seems to have disappeared from my EPG Setup page. At one stage before the arrival of the internal HDD I was having problems with setting /media/usb and media/hdd locations in the mount manager, this is working fine now the internal HDD is installed, but I wonder if it was at this point that the "EPG location" setting disappeared.

I know that EPG location should be the first option when I press

Menu > Set Up > System > EPG > Settings

but what I actually get when I select this option is

EPG Setup
Show EIT now/next in Infobar (Yes)
Enable EIT EPG (Yes)
Enable MHW EPG (No)
Enable Freesat EPG (Yes)
Enable ViaSat EPG (Yes)
Enable Netmed EPG (Yes)

The only ideas I've got for trying to get it back are
1. Deinstall/reinstall the CrossEPG plugin to see if that brings it back
2. FlashFXP into the box from my PC and delete the epg.dat file (I can see it in folder /etc/enigma2/) - I've tried this but I believe you have to terminate enigma for this to be successful and I'm not sure how to do this yet
3. Try to get back to an earlier backup - I think I've got one on my external USB that I was using before the arrival of the internal HDD - not 100% sure the EPG location was appearing at that time but I think it's likely as I do remember seeing the option at some point
4. Re-flash the Vix image

Would rather avoid options 3 or 4 if possible as everything is basically set up perfectly apart from this one issue.