Quote Originally Posted by birdman View Post
It's easy to reproduce.
The problem is that if you have a timer set from an auto-timer and it is currently recording then if you Delete it (which is all you can do, as the Disable option is disabled once timer actually starts) the Auto Timer mechanism will soon after re-add the timer and restart the recording.
You probably have to have Automatic Polling set for your Auto Timers, but beyond that this is independent of what show the Auto timer is for.
Yes - it's happened to me as well. I discovered that the box wouldn't wake up if you run "shutdown" from the command line when I noticed it still asleep when I thought it should be recording Doctor Who. So I started the box. The recording started. Since the programme was already half-way through I Deleted the timer. A minute later the timer was re-instated and the recording restarted. In the end I think I just let it run and then deleted it (and recorded the full programme off BBC Three the next day).
That reply is going to be as hard to reproduce, so hard to narrow down any fix, or use correct E2 settings.