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Thread: UK Freeview, Exclude HbbTv

  1. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by abu baniaz View Post

    I have excluded them by number, It didn't like the exclamation mark when I did it by name. Somebody will have to remind us to update them when there is a reshuffle. Please update the provider files uisng the option in ABM and then run ABM again. They will be removed from your bouquets. Make sure your autotimers are restricted to channels in bouquets. Those channels will get added to your lamedb by background scans if you are on same multiplex.
    Thank you very much , those channels are no longer in the EPG. Restricting Autotimers to a bouquet was the magic charm, although it took me a while to pick the correct one!
    Hopefully excluding those channels won't upset anybody else.

    Vu+ Duo4K, 4x DVB/T2, 2TB HDD
    Mutant HD51, 2x DVB/T2, 1TB HDD

  2. #17
    abu baniaz's Avatar
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    ABM does not do anything with EPG, those channels will always get EPG as it is on stream. All we did was prevent the channels from being added to your bouquets (lists/groups of channels).

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to abu baniaz For This Useful Post:

    obtutus (30-11-24)

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