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Thread: [gigablue] quad4k, ue4k and x34k update rescue loader to version #200

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    twol's Avatar
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    [gigablue] quad4k, ue4k and x34k update rescue loader to version #200

    For images after Aug 5, 2024, there is a really nice update of the Rescue Loader to version #200 for the above boxes, that allows either recovery to a different STARTUP slot or reflash and boot an image.

    New in this version:
    Selection of the startup partition.
    Uploading an image from your PC and flashing it to one of the startup partitions.
    Downloading an image online and flashing it to one of the startup partitions.
    Displaying information such as MAC address and bootloader version.

    To install:
    Unzip the appropiate box (gbquad4k, gbue4k) file and copy the rescue.bin to /tmp on your box.
    Then connect via Telnet and enter the following command:

    dd if=/tmp/rescue.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0p3
    Turn off the box using the power switch at the back.
    Open the front flap.
    Press and hold the "up" button.
    Turn on the box using the power switch at the back.
    Wait for the countdown on the display until the IP address of the box is shown

    In a browser enter the IP address displayed on the Gigablue LCD
    Then you can select a new STARTUP image and reboot or flash a different image using the displayed Menu.

    quadk4_rescue_200.zip ue4k_rescue_200.zip
    Gigablue Quad 4K & UE 4K
    .........FBC Tuners:
    ------------------> GT-Sat unicable LNB to 1.5M dish(28.2E)
    ------------------> Gigablue unicable LNB to 80 cm dish(19.2E)
    Vu+ Uno4KSE, Dreambox dm900
    AX HD61, Edision Osmio 4K+, Zgemma H9Combo, Octagon SF8008 , gbtrio4k, h9se using unicable ports
    Zgemma H9 C/S into Giga4K

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to twol For This Useful Post:

    abu baniaz (14-08-24),Ev0 (13-08-24),Sicilian (14-08-24),Willo3092 (13-08-24)

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