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Thread: Hisense 50A7KQTUK

  1. #1

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    Hisense 50A7KQTUK

    Hi all, Joined the forum recently to seek advice from the knowledgeable members of the satellite TV section. The more I explore the forum the better I'm understanding its layout and discovering it goes far beyond satellite technology.
    I'm posting to this section hoping someone may be able to enlighten me about a situation that has arisen with my newly purchased smart TV. My wife and I tend not to purchase new technology at the drop of a hat and so relied on our good old 37" Panasonic for the best part of 15 years. Nothing wrong with it but decided to treat ourselves and so went out and purchased a 50" Hisense with QLED screen. I thought the Panasonic was a good old TV but this thing is amazing and less than half the price the Panasonic cost in 2014.
    The other big change in our TV lives was to dump Sky Q and purchase a satellite receiver, the main reason for joining this forum. From a knowledge point of view, satellite receivers are something new to me but over the years I've become knowledgeable with computers and more recently phones. Playing with the TV for the first time, therefor, was not an issue and I soon found my way around. Having said that I do seem to have created a problem that I've not been able to resolve. I wanted to make sure this new TV operated correctly when using an aerial just in case there was an issue when my new receiver arrives. I connected the aerial went into settings, channels and auto scan at which point it asks for choice of Aerial, Satellite and a third option, possibly cable. It also asked for the region. Having filled in the required boxes the set carried on doing its job and scanned for all the channels and once finished the screen showed FreeviewPlay, an app that is already on the remote. Happy that the aerial did its job I disconnected it and went back to Sky Q. I've since discovered that if I press the FreeviewPlay app on the remote the program defaults to aerial rather than an internet service. I've searched around settings but come up with nothing other than doing a re-scan. All the other apps continue to work as internet services.
    Look forward to any suggestions.

  2. #2

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    Sorry I am confused as to what your question / issue is?

  3. #3

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    OK, thanks for reading the thread. I'll try and explain further. I recently purchased the previously mentioned Hisense TV. I have also just cancelled Sky Q and decided to purchase satellite receiver. Because these take a bit of setting up I thought I would connect an aerial lead to the TV and make sure It works as a backup to the receiver. Every thing was fine but now having done that if I Prees the Freeview Play app on the remote it trying to access Freeview through the aerial rather ad an Internet service. Having removed the aerial lead I expected Freeview to return to a Internet service instead of remaining a terrestrial service. I have been through settings expecting to be able to return it as before but there doesn't
    appear to be a way to do it. I have resolved the issue through a factory reset. None of this a major issue and I would have happily left things as they were. Having been playing with computers and phone technology for many years now I have no problem but my wife wants a regular uncomplicated EPG.
    Thanks for showing interest, you've already been a great asset on my satellite receiver search, hopefully you may have an here.
    Regards Gerard.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by gedwal View Post
    OK, thanks for reading the thread. I'll try and explain further. I recently purchased the previously mentioned Hisense TV. I have also just cancelled Sky Q and decided to purchase satellite receiver. Because these take a bit of setting up I thought I would connect an aerial lead to the TV and make sure It works as a backup to the receiver. Every thing was fine but now having done that if I Prees the Freeview Play app on the remote it trying to access Freeview through the aerial rather ad an Internet service. Having removed the aerial lead I expected Freeview to return to a Internet service instead of remaining a terrestrial service. I have been through settings expecting to be able to return it as before but there doesn't
    appear to be a way to do it. I have resolved the issue through a factory reset. None of this a major issue and I would have happily left things as they were. Having been playing with computers and phone technology for many years now I have no problem but my wife wants a regular uncomplicated EPG.
    Thanks for showing interest, you've already been a great asset on my satellite receiver search, hopefully you may have an here.
    Regards Gerard.
    I could be wrong, but I thought Freeview play required a DVB-T signal? That is, you watch live TV "off air" and also have the ability to record live TV from the DVB-T tuner. The internet bit is for catch up services.

    Times move on though, so things might have changed since the last time I used a relatives freeview play box. Unfortunately, I don't have a great deal of experience as I've used satellite for decades.

  5. #5
    Willo3092's Avatar
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    Can I watch live TV on Freeview Play without an aerial?

    Freeview Play delivers a combination of live TV shows and on-demand players, including BBC iPlayer, ITVX, All 4, My5, and more. If you want to watch live TV via the Freeview TV Guide on your TV, you will need an aerial.
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