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Thread: AXHD61 running Openvix stopped showing up on my Samsung QLED

  1. #1

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    AXHD61 running Openvix stopped showing up on my Samsung QLED

    Hello all, I have an axhd61 with aerial and satellite working fine for almost a year, just using USB flash drive for recordings. The other day I unplugged the HDMI cable (and all other cables) from the axhd61 briefly to install a new HDD, and when I plugged it back in, I get "no signal/check device power" on the HDMI source on the Samsung QLED (from 2022). The axhd61 is powered on and seems to be working correctly. What I tried so far to fix:

    - tried all recommended actions by Samsung to determine the tv is not at fault. A laptop shows up fine on the tv using same cable, and a computer monitor shows the axhd61 working fine when I plug in using the same HDMI - so neither tv nor cable faulty - it must be to do with the box, though it seems to be working fine on another screen

    - tried removing new HDD and plugging box back into tv

    - tried (using computer monitor) updating Openvix, and then plugging back into tv

    - tried reflashing the box with the newest Openvix build from 12th Nov 2023 and plugging back into tv

    None of these have worked, and so far I can't find a solution using a search engine. Maybe someone here can help me or give an idea I can try?


  2. #2

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    Upon closer examination of the HDMI socket on the AXbox, I can see one side of it looks chewed up. I can't upload a photo here unfortunately. It is likely this which is causing the signal problem. Apparently it's a common problem on some newer game consoles, so I may be able to have it repaired. If so I will update the thread.

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  4. #3

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    I have that box and i have noticed it is easy to have the hdmi come loose but when you say chewed up does that mean you have been taking the hdmi lead in and out fequently? i was going to suggest to try a godd new hdmi lead ie it will have unused contacts.

    its a good box but they stopped making them and I never found out why.

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