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Thread: Openvix - wwio bre2ze4k ! Coming ?

  1. #16
    abu baniaz's Avatar
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    When you clone the build environment, you are cloning the the build environment for all the OE-A images. All the OE-a images can be made from that directory. I'd ignore the instruction in the making openatv 7.2, vix 6.3 directories and use the branch name that you are forking. e.g "OE-A_5.2".

    The adduser part has always given me grief with having to rights etc. Probably have to do something that is not written down and is meant to be common knowledge. Again, openvixbuilder, openatvbuilder or any other name can build any image in the OE-A team.

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  3. #17
    Huevos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abu baniaz View Post
    When you clone the build environment, you are cloning the the build environment for all the OE-A images. All the OE-a images can be made from that directory. I'd ignore the instruction in the making openatv 7.2, vix 6.3 directories and use the branch name that you are forking. e.g "OE-A_5.2".

    The adduser part has always given me grief with having to rights etc. Probably have to do something that is not written down and is meant to be common knowledge. Again, openvixbuilder, openatvbuilder or any other name can build any image in the OE-A team.
    No idea what that is about. On my personal server I just build under my own user. Done it like that for about 7 years. On ViX server it has separate users for Developer and Release. For me that is a nightmare because it is not possible to share the sources folder between them.
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  5. #18
    abu baniaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huevos View Post
    No idea what that is about. On my personal server I just build under my own user. Done it like that for about 7 years. On ViX server it has separate users for Developer and Release. For me that is a nightmare because it is not possible to share the sources folder between them.
    We are using different words to imply the same thing. Surely saying "ignore the create the additional user" means build under the username you are logged in.

    Points 5,6,7

    Points 8,9,10

    Instead of creating openvix/openatv/openbh and then cloning the build environment into it

    I am saying to create the name to indicate branch you are forking and then clone the build environment into it. Other people will say something else, as is their want. People reading are free to make up their own mind. I am currently building atv and vix from the same cloned environments instead of one for vix and one for atv and another for bh. This is to test a plugin.

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  7. #19

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    Hey ! Yes clone is very good ! Thanks ! Or without root in the sanity.conf with #

    I found more options in the Makefile ! Cool Here :

    .DEFAULT_GOAL := all
    all: init
    @echo "Openembedded for the oe-alliance environment has been initialized"
    @echo "properly. Now you can start building your image, by doing either:"
    @echo "MACHINE=xxxxxx DISTRO=openvix DISTRO_TYPE=release make image"
    @echo " or"
    @echo "cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; source env.source ; bitbake $(DISTRO)-image"
    @echo "To download all sources for image build:"
    @echo "MACHINE=xxxxx DISTRO=openvix DISTRO_TYPE=release make download"
    @echo " or"
    @echo "cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; source env.source ; bitbake $(DISTRO)-image --runall=fetch"
    @echo "To build image without feed:"
    @echo "MACHINE=xxxxxx DISTRO=openvix DISTRO_TYPE=release make enigma2-image"
    @echo " or"
    @echo "cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; source env.source ; bitbake $(DISTRO)-enigma2-image"
    @echo "To build feeds:"
    @echo "MACHINE=xxxxx DISTRO=openvix DISTRO_TYPE=release make feeds"
    @echo " or"
    @echo "cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; source env.source ; bitbake $(DISTRO)-feeds"

  8. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by abu baniaz View Post
    When you clone the build environment, you are cloning the the build environment for all the OE-A images. All the OE-a images can be made from that directory. I'd ignore the instruction in the making openatv 7.2, vix 6.3 directories and use the branch name that you are forking. e.g "OE-A_5.2".

    The adduser part has always given me grief with having to rights etc. Probably have to do something that is not written down and is meant to be common knowledge. Again, openvixbuilder, openatvbuilder or any other name can build any image in the OE-A team.
    hey ! can you please say how? Do you mean I download everything normally then I create a folder myself, for example OE then clone the git into the OE folder? but think in the sanity conf with the # is enough! I'll stop depending on the with cmod 777 * and then close again up to the build folder! thanks ! I also think it's funny as root other images like tuxbox neutrino and actually all the others can't be built with root for security reasons! thank you mfg

  9. #21
    Huevos's Avatar
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    The only point was build under your own user rather than create a new one just for the build.

    The negative point is the build can now write to any file that belongs to the current user.

    Really makes no difference if your build folder is named "build-enviroment" or "OE-A_5.2" unless you are going to be building from multiple build enviroment branches. But everyone knows what is best for them. If you are not sure follow the instructions in OpenViX/enigma2 repo.
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  11. #22

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    OK thanks

    Did it normally with git clone cloned 5.2 from git ! then I set the # in the sanity.conf and set it to sudo chmod 755 * directly in the build-env so it will build! if I want to change something, just change it in build-env sudo chmod 777 * and then change it and do it again later! should also fit like this! I will give feedback! load the sources and fetch before I build! Kind regards

  12. #23
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    The idea is the user that cloned the build env is the same user that builds the image. That way you should see no permissions errors.
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  14. #24

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    Great thank you ! I'm happy to change my pictures because there are always too many things that nobody needs, at least I don't! my tuxbox tuxbox ni is also only about 45 mb instead of about 90 mb! thank you we will do it! but as su sudo should build oe alliance away because it is not ok and very dangerous they say! thanks ! hope it will be official soon the wwio bre2ze4k image for other users! Kind regards

  15. #25

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    Last edited by Kittybuablueyoshibabygafi; 16-12-22 at 17:37.

  16. #26

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    Ok runs without root now! I just created a folder like OE-5.2 then started with point 10 git


    clean the build-env then a make update and set the hash in the sanity.conf # then I ran a chmod 755 * on OE-5.2 and am building right now so it should fit! if I want to change something, do it now or before in OE-5.2 do a chmod 777 * then do it again with 755 and continue building! Kind regards
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    Last edited by Kittybuablueyoshibabygafi; 17-12-22 at 15:27.

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  18. #27

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    hey ! so oe alliance so it doesn't matter if vix atv etc the fetch errors are really not normal and many at qt si make it little fun to build! in between I've already built pli, tuxbox, moh but the oe 5.1 and 5.2 is not funny with urls fetch error! think leave it! Kind regards

  19. #28
    Huevos's Avatar
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    I don't understand what your problem is. I've just built 4 machines from scratch in the last 6 hours.
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