Hey all,

My Amiko Viper Twin E2 and USB HDD arrived yesterday from World of Satellite. I'm really impressed by the service (it shipped two days early).

I've managed to get the box setup for Sky FTA, setup the EPG etc and all's good but I'm having some teething problems with timeshift and recording.

  • Timeshift. When pressing pause, sometimes I'm greeted with a black screen. Hitting stop a bunch of times seems to bring me back to the program again after a minute or so. I did manage to get timeshift to work as expected once, but other than that it doesn't seem to work reliably and results in a black screen when pressing pause.
  • Recording. I set a program to record and then hit the 'EMC' button on the remote to bring up the file menu and start playing the recording (as the recording was in progress if that makes sense). This resulted in a black screen with the 'processing' or 'waiting' indicator in the top right corner of the screen. I was only able to recover the box by issuing 'shutdown -r now' via SSH.

I'm wondering if this is a hard disk drive speed / access / config issue. My settings are...

HDD standby: 5 minutes

Recording and playback settings:


Timeshift settings:
