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Threads 1 to 22 of 22

Forum: VU+ Duo2 images

  1. kodi

    Started by netguy, 05-03-17 12:30
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    05-03-17, 12:48
  2. Is my box genuine

    Started by Tmc007, 11-11-16 09:55
    3 Pages
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    11-11-16, 21:39
  3. vix and cccam

    Started by eddison, 02-10-16 14:48
    • 5
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    10-11-16, 12:44
  4. OpenSPA 4.0.003

    Started by vmax, 06-07-15 20:10
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    06-07-15, 20:10
  5. OpenLD 1.8 Vu+ Duo2

    Started by Larry-G, 09-01-15 13:29
    backup, cccam, create, dreambox, drivers, dtt, duo, enigma, enigma2, image, info, installed, installing, model, official, plugin, plugins, record, skin, skins, sources, streaming, vu+, vu+ duo, vuplus
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    09-01-15, 13:29
  6. DUO2 OpenSPA 4.0.001 BETA 1

    Started by Larry-G, 05-01-15 00:42
    201, beta, bugs, confirm, duo, duo2, embedded, firm, good, green, home, ing, logs, opera, operating, possibly, problem, release, reported, root, screenshots, steps, update, vu +, vu + duo
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    05-01-15, 00:42
  7. Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 2.1.4

    Started by Larry-G, 04-01-15 22:45
    channel, cifs, duo, enigma, epg, feeds, files, forums, ftp, images, multiboot, official, original, picons, pli, plugin, plugins, remote, resolution, rytec, settings, solo, telnet, vu+, vu+ duo
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    04-01-15, 22:45
  8. OpenLD 1.3. Vu+ Duo2

    Started by Larry-G, 14-04-14 12:40
    astra, drivers, duo, enigma, enigma2, epg, files, guide, hey, high, image, images, list, master, model, plugin, plugins, release, settings, skin, skins, sound, sources, vu+, vu+ duo
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    14-04-14, 12:40
  9. OpenSpa 3.1 VU+ Duo2

    Started by musgoya, 31-03-14 09:35
    azbox hd, bootlogo, drivers, duo, enigma, enigma2, epg, files, forum, hdd, module, mount, multiboot, picons, plugin, plugins, skin, skins, spinner, swap, usb, vu+, vu+ duo, vuplus, zap
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    31-03-14, 09:35
  10. OpenSPA 3.0 VU+ Duo2

    Started by sergiri, 02-03-14 13:40
    duo, enigma, enigma2, epg, file, files, forum, ipk, linux, multiboot, picons, plugin, plugins, receiver, remote, skin, skins, solo, subtitles, swap, usb, vu+, vu+ duo, vuplus, youtube
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    02-03-14, 13:40
  11. HDD drives for VU+ DUO2

    Started by Tunder, 15-02-14 18:11
    advance, appreciated, best, bet, better, brand, der, drive, drives, duo, duo2, hat, hdd, hello, hey, looking, make, pvr, recommendation, run, running, sata, vu+, vu+ duo, works
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    15-02-14, 18:38
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    27-12-13, 20:21
  12. Black Hole 2.0.8​ VuDuo2

    Started by vmax, 17-12-13 21:04
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    27-12-13, 20:08
  13. Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 v. 2.0.7

    Started by vmax, 27-10-13 12:51
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    30-11-13, 11:12
  14. OpenLD 1.2 - VUPLUS DUO2

    Started by Larry-G, 26-11-13 15:19
    800, blue, bugs, default, drivers, duo, enigma, enigma2, epg, http, image, info, kernel, network, panel, radio, rt73, rtl, size, skin, sources, swap, usb, vuplus, work
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    26-11-13, 15:19
  15. Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 v. 2.0.6.

    Started by Larry-G, 03-10-13 18:33
    channel, cifs, digital, duo, epg, feeds, files, forums, image, images, multiboot, official, original, picons, pli, plugin, plugins, remote, rytec, settings, signal, solo, telnet, vu+, vu+ duo
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    07-10-13, 17:39
  16. support for HD+

    Started by gzkbb2, 24-08-13 18:03
    astra, basics, blackhole, called, cam, cams, cccam, duo, duo2, german, germany, hat, ideas, image, irdeto, latest, like, linux, package, receive, requirement, softcams, solved, support, using
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    25-08-13, 06:44
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    16-08-13, 16:05
  17. Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 v. 2.0.5 Galaxy.

    Started by Larry-G, 09-08-13 01:52
    cifs, duo, epg, feeds, firmware, format, forums, image, images, multiboot, official, original, pli, plugin, plugins, remote, rytec, skin, solo, team, upgrade, vu+, vu+ duo, vuplus, xml
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    09-08-13, 01:54
  18. VU+ Duo2 Open Source 2.1

    Started by vmax, 11-07-13 12:59
    110, 130, 131, 201, action, code, duo, duo2, http, image, load, open, source, url, usb, vu+, vu+ duo, vuduo, vuplus
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    11-07-13, 12:59
  19. VU+ Duo2 Open Source 1.6

    Started by vmax, 11-07-13 12:58
    101, 110, 130, 201, action, code, duo, duo2, http, image, load, open, source, url, usb, vu+, vu+ duo, vuduo, vuplus
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    11-07-13, 12:58
  20. Black Hole Vu+ Duo2 v. 2.0.4

    Started by Larry-G, 05-07-13 17:56
    channel, cifs, duo, epg, feeds, files, forums, ftp, image, images, mount, multiboot, official, original, picons, pli, plugins, remote, rytec, settings, signal, telnet, usb, vu+, vu+ duo
    • 0
    • 9,133
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    05-07-13, 17:56

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