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Threads 1 to 30 of 33

Forum: Technomate TM-SINGLE Talk

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to USB flash/upgrade Technomate TM-Single

    Started by Sicilian, 05-12-12 12:51
    • 1
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    05-05-13, 13:44
    • 10
    • 15,387
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    09-02-13, 11:09
  3.   Normal Threads  

  1. TM-Single HD problem

    Started by GuntiMan, 29-12-15 00:16
    cccam mgcamd
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    29-12-15, 00:19
  2. TM Single no channels found

    Started by amour141, 19-07-15 00:30
    • 8
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    21-07-15, 21:09
  3. Help Remote

    Started by sathat, 18-01-15 07:03
    600, 650, able, buy, cannot, device, does, doesn, harmony, hat, help, know, logitech, look, perfect, remote, replacement, reply, set, single, tech, technomate, win, work
    • 4
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    18-01-15, 19:22
  4. New Box

    Started by icemen, 14-04-14 00:59
    2 Pages
    1 2
    7000s, auto, blade, bouquet, box, boxes, channel, day, epg, good, hat, image, latest, local, openbox, picture, recommend, sat, set, single, stable, update, upgrade, usb, works
    • 20
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    15-04-14, 20:20
  5. tecnomate oe lux box

    Started by deltec, 21-01-14 03:12
    box, boxes, download, dummies, forum, how to, load, look, new, section, set, site, vix
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    21-01-14, 04:32
  6. USB DVB-T for Vix

    Started by eamo, 15-04-13 12:35
    box, dongle, dvb, dvb-t, fine, hat, hauppauge, hey, images, ing, nova, region, running, stick, tell, time, update, usb, use, version, vix, win, wintv, work
    • 7
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    10-12-13, 23:31
  7. Osd menu gone mad and unreadable

    Started by Thiof2000, 01-12-13 14:53
    • 8
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    02-12-13, 17:56
  8. sync problems

    Started by westentertainer, 15-09-13 17:27
    backup, bee, case, connected, following, happened, hard, hdmi, image, just, number, old, problem, problems, really, scart, settings, single, sync, thoughts, update, version, vix, watch, working
    • 3
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    15-09-13, 18:15
  9. Thumbs up Tm nano oe

    Started by green-moron, 30-04-13 01:46
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bargain, box, bring, cheaper, far, great, hat, image, inside, model, nano, post, present, price, receiver, released, room, single, sponsor, tech, technomate, time, vix, wrong, £130
    • 27
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    15-09-13, 16:05
  10. Thumbs down Technomate TM-Single - User's Manual needed

    Started by Tonkin, 10-09-13 10:06
    800, advice, astra, channels, dark, editing, hat, how to, linux, loaded, long, manual, needed, newer, pre, proper, searching, set, single, stuck, successfully, tech, technomate, time, user
    • 1
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    10-09-13, 11:19
    • 1
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    31-08-13, 10:28
  11. Question Software FTP for TM single HD

    Started by bidjou31, 28-08-13 17:36
    cccam, cli, cline, code, connect, default, ect, enigma, enigma2, filezilla, ftp, hello, lots, openpli, options, org, password, pli, project, set, single, software, use, using, vix
    • 4
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    28-08-13, 22:26
  12. TM Single-OE Newbie

    Started by jayuk71, 06-07-13 09:20
    box, case, change, command, error, factory, files, forums, ftp, guide, image, install, memory, message, newbie, pli, putting, replace, reset, single, size, stick, telnet, things, vix
    • 3
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    06-07-13, 11:30
  13. My Technomate TM Single Review

    Started by Slammed Mind, 01-04-13 22:56
    avi, channel, divx, duo, file, forum, free, hdd, hdmi, image, installed, menu, original, picture, plugins, recordings, remote, review, sat, solo, streaming, technomate, video, vix, vu+
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    04-07-13, 06:10
  14. Driver details on info page.

    Started by abu baniaz, 07-06-13 01:59
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    15-06-13, 00:15
  15. Tm single - fan?

    Started by zl5, 10-06-13 13:45
    690, box, buttons, fan, hdd, hot, installed, layout, left, menu, msi, noise, openvix, option, pheonix, receiver, right, runs, set, settings, single, speed, update, use, vix
    • 4
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    10-06-13, 23:35
  16. Install .ipk from usb stick-VIX

    Started by zl5, 27-05-13 13:36
    button, crashing, dev, failed, file, files, ftp, green, install, ipk, just, latest, manager, mount, mounts, openvix, save, setup, shows, stick, updating, usb, using, ver, vix
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    27-05-13, 14:00
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    08-05-13, 15:27
  17. TM Single specs query

    Started by Slammed Mind, 04-05-13 16:29
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    08-05-13, 13:18
  18. Thumbs up Help to update image on TM-Single.

    Started by mustang849, 01-05-13 01:02
    available, backup, dont, forums, honest, how to, image, images, know, make, minutes, multiboot, needed, problems, programs, receiver, search, single, support, talk, tell, thank, vix
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    01-05-13, 09:19
  19. tm single stuck at splash screen

    Started by ustwo64uk, 30-04-13 06:01
    arts, boot, boots, box, coming, exit, flashed, green, help, image, latest, light, night, original, power, pressing, removing, screen, single, splash, star, starts, stuck, usb, vix
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    30-04-13, 20:48
  20. tm singe audio help

    Started by Mickntori, 26-04-13 19:03
    audio, auto, box, button, changed, channel, channels, forums, getting, having, help, hey, ive, language, menu, mtv, music, problems, remote, rescan, search, settings, setup, sound, stream
    • 2
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    26-04-13, 20:19
  21. Tune failed!!!

    Started by rkbwap, 16-04-13 23:23
    box, channels, dish, east, failed, image, installed, latest, list, lnb, menu, message, motor, openpli, original, pli, problem, short, signal, single, stuttering, thor, today, tune, working
    • 1
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    16-04-13, 23:40
  22. New Technomate?

    Started by Tow164, 03-04-13 10:49
    2 Pages
    1 2
    800, add, advice, advise, boxes, guys, hat, image, info, joined, latest, main, models, needed, reason, single, single or twin, stuck, tech, technical, technomate, thought, today, twin, win
    • 25
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    15-04-13, 13:14
  23. Disappearing epg

    Started by drx360, 07-04-13 13:27
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bee, bought, box, build, change, epg, fine, guys, ideas, installed, latest, load, missing, months, powered, round, run, running, set, single, stored, thoughts, times, usb, vix
    • 21
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    11-04-13, 01:06
  24. TM single backup?

    Started by Tow164, 07-04-13 19:25
    backup, boot, factory, flash, hat, image, installed, just, know, latest, leave, make, ordering, original, place, pre, process, receiver, reset, single, user, vix, whilst
    • 2
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    07-04-13, 19:47
  25. TM Single - Flashing Green/Red Light

    Started by kman999, 19-03-13 08:51
    box, button, days, disk, exit, flashing, green, hard, how to, image, images, issue, light, loaded, loading, popped, pressing, reboot, red, reply, screen, shows, single, thank, vix
    • 7
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    27-03-13, 09:19
  26. Flash issue

    Started by doxe, 21-03-13 22:57
    27%, 40%, arts, change, exit, fix, flash, how to, ideas, issue, latest, leave, load, message, minutes, ops, power, process, reflashing, seconds, single, star, starts, stops, vix
    • 7
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    22-03-13, 00:15
  27. My TM-Single review

    Started by marty, 26-01-13 14:28
    avi, digital, drivers, duo, enigma, file, forum, image, linux, media, mkv, picture, pvr, receivers, remote, review, sata, satellite, setup, solo, speed, technomate, usb, vix, vu+duo
    • 9
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    07-03-13, 20:01
  28. Tuning

    Started by rkbwap, 13-02-13 19:42
    360, box, check, configuration, dish, image, long, mode, problem, remote, sat, search, set, settings, signal, simple, size, speed, step, today, tuner, tuning, turn, vix, wrong
    • 2
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    27-02-13, 13:48

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