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Forum: Ferguson Ariva 102E HD

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Guide to RS232 flash or Recover Ferguson Ariva

    Started by Sicilian, 26-08-12 13:58
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    19-03-14, 22:28
  3. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Ferguson Ariva HD firmware upgrade guides

    Started by Sicilian, 21-08-12 16:31
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    07-07-13, 17:11
  4. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Youporn is parental pin protected

    Started by Sicilian, 27-08-12 14:48
    asked, confirm, firm, parental, pin, pro, protected, title
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    27-08-12, 14:48
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    15-08-12, 05:45
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    14-08-12, 20:01
  5.   Normal Threads  

  1. Channel lists

    Started by ajayuk, 09-12-14 20:13
    102e, abs, aged, box, change, channel, channel list, channel lists, dump, existing, far, got, how to, ing, like, list, lists, mate, post, question, questions, save, stick, upload, usb
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    05-01-15, 06:38
  2. Question about firmware upgrade.

    Started by booty, 04-08-14 08:49
    a5h, advance, ash, ccam, corrupt, data, ferguson ariva a102e hd, firmware, hat, hello, hey, means, possibly, question, read, receiver, recovery, says, set, settings, stay, upgrade, user
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    06-08-14, 14:20
  3. Ferguson v spiderbox

    Started by grahambenidorm, 26-07-14 21:04
    102e, advance, ago, bedroom, bit, buy, cheap, excellent, factory, fair, ferguson, firmware, just, like, looking, older, patch, reset, spiderbox, stick, tell, think, updating, upgrade, xp1000
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    01-08-14, 09:34
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    14-07-14, 02:57
  4. IPTV: "m3u8 list file not found"

    Started by greencajun, 13-07-14 16:54
    add, ariva, channel, digital, downloaded, ferguson, file, http, install, iptv, list, loaded, official, sample, txt, url, usb, wrong
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    13-07-14, 16:54
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    07-07-14, 10:56
  5. Can USB hub be used with 102E?

    Started by greencajun, 06-07-14 23:21
    102e, buttons, connect, dongle, ect, hat, hub, just, know, memory, need, port, power, pressing, record, shows, stick, suggest, supply, usb, use, used, using, wifi
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    07-07-14, 07:19
  6. Missing a few channels, help please

    Started by greencajun, 06-07-14 14:13
    113, 130, 28e, bought, channels, couple, der, entertainment, europe, fix, free, guide, info, installation, list, men, missing, save, transponder, true, upgrade, watch, website, wipe, worth
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    06-07-14, 14:13
  7. master code aviva 102e

    Started by rocky12345, 12-05-14 18:16
    102e, box, code, lost, master, number, pin, tell
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    12-05-14, 18:16
  8. Sky Viewing Card Auto Update?

    Started by afc666, 25-04-14 12:52
    102e, advance, ariva, ariva 102e, auto, card, cards, does, ferguson, light, sky, update, updates, viewing
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    25-04-14, 12:52
  9. Sky Viewing Card Auto Update?

    Started by afc666, 25-04-14 11:13
    102e, advance, ariva, ariva 102e, auto, card, cards, does, ferguson, light, sky, update, updates, viewing
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    25-04-14, 11:13
  10. hidden menu

    Started by pronylee, 20-11-13 22:24
    biss, box, cams, code, configuration, control, debug, der, device, factory, guys, hdmi, hidden, integrated, log, manually, men, menu, remote, server, software, stbs, tes, test, work
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    05-03-14, 21:13
  11. Not logging in

    Started by akz_g, 12-02-14 23:32
    advanced, correct, details, does, doesn, failed, fine, firmware, flashing, having, ideas, just, log, logging, login, newcamd, older, ping, problem, says, star, started, successful, using, year
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    12-02-14, 23:32
  12. Strange Behaviour

    Started by mrmcphisto, 27-01-14 09:43
    102e, advance, antenna, behaviour, broke, broken, cannot, change, channel, channel list, complete, greyed, idea, list, new, quality, range, set, settings, signal, strange, vision
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    27-01-14, 09:43
  13. need help

    Started by pronylee, 17-11-13 22:09
    able, advice, appreciated, ata, box, channells, coming, dont, firmware, freeze, friends, goes, got, guys, having, help, hey, latest, need, new, nice, problem, stable, tech, technomate
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    17-11-13, 22:09
  14. Channel list sorting

    Started by AciidSn3ak3r, 17-11-13 10:13
    appreciated, button, channel, channel list, channels, earth, figured, functionality, guys, hat, help, ing, list, option, original, question, quick, selected, sorting, wants
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    17-11-13, 10:13
  15. Freezing

    Started by pronylee, 13-11-13 19:31
    cable, certain, channel, coming, connection, dont, enigma, firmware, fix, freezes, freezing, good, got, guys, hat, lots, men, new, openbox, problem, receiver, signal, solu, solution, stick
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    13-11-13, 19:31
  16. saving channel list

    Started by pronylee, 07-11-13 06:26
    102e, ariva 102e, box, changed, channel, channel list, dump, file, firmware, format, guide, guys, help, how to, list, lots, menu, new, pls, save, saving, time, upgrade, usb
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    08-11-13, 15:43
  17. Latest Sly UK channel list

    Started by Stanman, 06-10-13 14:22
    120, channel, channel list, date, editor, going, got, latest, list, mad, plus, scan, scanning, sly, upto
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    16-10-13, 21:54
  18. IPTV not working?

    Started by lionalcook, 20-09-13 18:52
    102e, ago, ariva 102e, firmware, hat, hey, http, ideas, iptv, just, latest, month, needs, new, noticed, patched, stream, streams, theres, update, work, working
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    21-09-13, 01:46
  19. Cccam stops after 2 hours...

    Started by lionalcook, 09-06-13 23:36
    102e, ariva 102e, boxes, cccam, cure, does, doesn, doesnt, firmware, going, got, hello, hours, latest, ops, reboot, rules, run, running, server, skybox, stop, stops, suffer, working
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    10-06-13, 05:35
  20. latest Cccam firmware for ferguson Ariva 102E

    Started by gold, 31-05-13 00:01
    102e, ariva 102e, available, brand, brand new, cccam, default, does, download, ferguson, firmware, got, hat, just, know, latest, load, new, official, password, receivers, root, use
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    02-06-13, 14:47
  21. arriva 102e hd overall review/problems

    Started by merlin77, 23-05-13 13:46
    arriva, blind, channels, editor, epg, faulty, hey, main, menu, plugins, plus, point, post, problems, record, remote, review, scan, settings, skybox, sly, sports, switch, transponder, working
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    23-05-13, 22:03
  22. change bootlogo Ariva 102E

    Started by zod013, 28-02-13 09:50
    102e, 224, bootlogo, change, ferguson, http, infos, les, logo, lol, satellite, section, star, startup, thread, tool, world
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    29-04-13, 18:35
  23. Ariva 102E HD No network Connection

    Started by keyno, 26-04-13 14:16
    102e, address, bee, cable, connected, connection, dont, factory, fully, help, kids, know, longer, months, network, online, pick, power, receiver, reset, router, windows, work, working
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    28-04-13, 12:03
  24. Ariva 102 E

    Started by podge, 06-02-13 15:52
    appreciated, connected, downloaded, error, ferguson, file, firmware, getting, help, keeps, loaded, message, need, original, port, rs232, saying, set, stb, using, wrong
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    27-04-13, 23:49
  25. Question REQ: Ferguson Ariva 102E Channel List Sly UK

    Started by FoofighterUK, 21-09-12 12:56
    2 Pages
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    24-04-13, 12:58
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    27-03-13, 16:53
  26. Mgcamd with "allshares.dat" without USB

    Started by zod013, 25-02-13 17:25
    got, line, mgcamd, password, port, receiver, usb, write
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    25-02-13, 17:25
  27. Code "ASH" Ariva 102E ?

    Started by zod013, 23-02-13 10:00
    102e, air, bad, card, channel, channels, code, compatible, corrupt, csa, ferguson, files, firmware, free, how to, http, know, lists, recover, satellite, subscription, unless, url, world
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    23-02-13, 11:07

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