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Threads 1 to 30 of 11185

Forum: ViX Team Images Support Discussion

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: OpenViX 6.6 Released!

    Started by Huevos, 07-03-24 14:07
    • 12
    • 6,945
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    22-11-24, 01:39
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: New IPTV plugin "M3UIPTV"

    Started by Huevos, 14-10-24 10:50
    2 Pages
    1 2
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    13-11-24, 14:37
    • 7
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    26-08-22, 20:35
  4. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Kodi 18.6 with Widevine support for Netflix, Amazon VOD + more!

    Started by Sicilian, 09-04-20 14:38
    4 Pages
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    09-11-21, 18:52
  5. Exclamation Sticky Thread Sticky: OpenViX Feeds Status

    Started by Sicilian, 08-11-14 07:39
    800, bugs, check, feeds, flash, forum, hat, home, http, main, online, place, plugins, posts, receiver, satellite, set, status, thread, update, updates, updating, vix, working, world
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    08-11-14, 07:39
  6.   Normal Threads  

  1. OpenViX 6.6 Release discussion thread

    Started by Huevos, 31-03-24 21:41
    11 Pages
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    Yesterday, 16:21
  2. [OS-mio] Support Question: 6.6.010 Power Option Menu Missing

    Started by ArloGuthrie, 01-12-24 07:42
    • 6
    • 213
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    Yesterday, 09:35
  3. [VU+ Duo4K SE] Support Question: Updating/Removing plugins

    Started by Clemente, 29-11-24 20:53
    • 7
    • 248
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    02-12-24, 09:55
  4. [VU+ Uno4K] Support Question: IPTV recording doesn’t work on every channels

    Started by Jaccois, 29-11-24 02:47
    • 4
    • 322
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    01-12-24, 17:07
  5. [SF8008] Possible Bug: Deleting Recordings Crash

    Started by ACWhitehouse, 21-11-24 12:28
    • 13
    • 396
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    26-11-24, 21:15
  6. [SF8008] Support Question: Oscam files from feeds

    Started by bellejt, 25-11-24 16:34
    • 5
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    25-11-24, 19:22
  7. [VU+ Uno4KSE] Support Question: YouTube Plugin - Errors

    Started by spevs, 27-09-24 09:39
    2 Pages
    1 2
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    23-11-24, 21:13
  8. [VU+ Duo4K SE] Possible Bug: Zap timers wipe EPG

    Started by digitl, 02-11-24 14:01
    3 Pages
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    23-11-24, 17:31
  9. [VU+ Duo4K SE] Support Question: Annoying Pop-up

    Started by sandiego69, 24-10-24 08:35
    2 Pages
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    21-11-24, 23:19
  10. [VU+ Duo4K SE] Support Question: Hard drive initialisation

    Started by Clemente, 18-11-24 13:25
    • 8
    • 293
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    19-11-24, 23:06
  11. [VU+ Duo4K SE] Support Question: Picons that are blank

    Started by bmitie, 18-11-24 14:44
    • 6
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    19-11-24, 15:11
  12. [Mut@nt HD51] Possible Bug: Crashing when selecting a channel in EPG

    Started by HD51, 01-05-24 09:33
    • 1
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    18-11-24, 02:36
  13. [GiGaBlue UHD UE 4K] Possible Bug: TV update broke my setup

    Started by Robgh, 14-11-24 18:34
    • 3
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    15-11-24, 00:55
  14. [Zgemma H7] Possible Bug: m3uiptv

    Started by kamaxx, 19-10-24 07:18
    5 Pages
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    14-11-24, 23:22
  15. Lightbulb [DM920] Support Question: openvix-6.6.011

    Started by haldborg, 13-11-24 16:46
    • 4
    • 372
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    14-11-24, 13:43
  16. [DM920] Support Question: DM920 in a loop of restarts after uploading my own setting.

    Started by ROGIII, 06-11-24 09:22
    2 Pages
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    14-11-24, 08:53
  17. [SF8008] Support Question: Openvix & DAB+ feeds?

    Started by Clemente, 05-10-24 22:20
    8 Pages
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    12-11-24, 13:01
  18. [VU+ Solo2] Possible Bug: Audio switching

    Started by sataday, 09-11-24 19:34
    • 8
    • 391
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    11-11-24, 12:38
  19. [ViX Misc] Possible Bug: Dreambox DM920

    Started by haldborg, 23-08-24 16:24
    4 Pages
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    09-11-24, 20:53
  20. [ViX Misc] Possible Bug: Movie list - Crash when deleting directory

    Started by Willo3092, 07-11-24 16:10
    2 Pages
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    • 548
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    08-11-24, 20:51
  21. [VU+ Uno4K] Support Question: Wireguard on enigma2

    Started by dsayers, 26-02-22 15:59
    2 Pages
    1 2
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    01-11-24, 20:52
  22. [VU+ Solo4K] Support Question: vpn

    Started by alan1812, 29-10-24 03:35
    • 7
    • 663
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    31-10-24, 16:48
  23. [GiGaBlue UHD QUAD 4K] Support Question: BBC Intermittently Fails to Record

    Started by CRMS, 27-10-24 19:45
    • 10
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    29-10-24, 00:56
  24. Question [VU+ Solo SE] Support Question: Link to list of OpenVix plugins?

    Started by ppedroo, 27-10-24 15:28
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    27-10-24, 16:13
  25. [VU+ Uno4KSE] Support Question: Samba not installing

    Started by HeadBanger, 24-10-24 08:54
    2 Pages
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    26-10-24, 06:57
  26. [ET8500] Possible Bug: EPG Not Dowloading

    Started by ddonlon, 17-10-24 23:23
    • 5
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    19-10-24, 23:35
  27. [ET10x00] Support Question: DVB-t Frequency finder and custom provider file not finding HD channels

    Started by adm, 17-10-24 15:45
    2 Pages
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    19-10-24, 01:05
  28. [ET10x00] Possible Bug: Signal finder auto setting

    Started by adm, 18-10-24 20:07
    • 0
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    18-10-24, 20:07
  29. [VU+ Duo2] Support Question: Epg importer

    Started by WILLJE, 16-10-24 12:36
    • 3
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    16-10-24, 17:32
  30. [OS-mio] Possible Bug: OpenViX 6.6.008

    Started by lme, 16-10-24 05:11
    • 3
    • 510
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    16-10-24, 16:50

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