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Threads 1 to 18 of 18

Forum: Xtrend ET6x00 Images

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: openAAF Nightly Image Downloads ET6x00

    Started by bassethound, 11-08-12 14:59
    6x00, aaf, center, code, color, downloads, et6x00, http, image, images, index, nightly, openaaf, public, size
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    11-08-12, 14:59
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: Original Image ET-6000

    Started by bassethound, 04-01-12 18:21
    170, 201, 2011, 600, center, code, color, date, download, http, image, load, original, size, view
    • 0
    • 12,869
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    04-01-12, 18:21
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: ET6000 bootloader and how to upgrade

    Started by Sicilian, 09-12-11 07:28
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    09-12-11, 07:28
  5.   Normal Threads  

  1. OpenSPA v4.0.001 BETA 1 ET6x00

    Started by Larry-G, 09-01-15 13:52
    600, beta, bugs, clarke, clarketech, embedded, firm, fix, functionality, good, green, hat, home, ing, logs, opera, problem, problems, receivers, reported, screenshots, things, users, version, xtrend
    • 0
    • 14,773
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    09-01-15, 13:52
  2. OpenSpa 3.1 Xtrend ET6x00

    Started by musgoya, 31-03-14 09:40
    azbox hd, bootlogo, drivers, duo, enigma, enigma2, epg, files, forum, hdd, linux, module, mount, multiboot, picons, plugin, plugins, skin, skins, spinner, swap, usb, vu+, vuplus, zap
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    • 10,728
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    31-03-14, 09:40
  3. OpenDroid-3.0-V.0.1-XTrend-ET6x00

    Started by Larry-G, 15-11-13 09:48
    added, backup, beta, bootlogo, default, downloader, enigma, hardware, http, idea, images, img, kernel, logo, modified, official, pli, plugin, portal, set, settings, skin, team, tutti, xtrend
    • 1
    • 10,709
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    07-12-13, 11:27
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    01-10-13, 18:20
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    07-12-12, 13:02
  4. ET-6X00 Xtrend-Alliance Beta İmage

    Started by bassethound, 07-12-12 12:33
    304, 450, beta, bugs, cam, center, complete, drivers, english, feature, fix, forum, http, img, mogli123, plugins, reported, size, softcam, support, tes, test, update, version, xtrend
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    • 9,591
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    07-12-12, 12:33
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    26-11-12, 15:43
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    28-10-12, 16:38
  5. SIF TeAm Enigma2 Koala Et6x00 4-3-2012

    Started by Larry-G, 06-03-12 03:21
    auto, backup, bouquets, channels, disk, dreambox, duo, enigma, enigma2, et9000, forum, install, mount, openpli, original, pli, plugin, release, rytec, settings, skin, solo, team, vuplus, xtrend
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    28-06-12, 16:36
  6. Et6x00 ItalySat 3.0 Dragon Edition

    Started by Larry-G, 10-06-12 21:31
    201, 2012, 6x00, added, bug, dir, download, dreambox, et6x00, file, fix, http, index, ing, install, language, load, openvpn, release, repository, star, starting, svn, usb, vpn
    • 2
    • 9,614
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    28-06-12, 13:05
  7. Xtrend-Support Image V5

    Started by bassethound, 14-03-12 14:58
    beta, bootlogos, flashing, forum, guide, hdd, hdmi, image, images, linux, list, main, make, menu, newbie, permanent, settings, setup, skin, special, team, usb, user, wlan, xtrend
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    21-06-12, 13:50
  8. Persian Empire Enigma2 Image For et6x00

    Started by Larry-G, 12-06-12 17:46
    beta, black, chipset, driver, enigma, enigma2, files, format, hole, http, image, images, including, online, persian, pli, project, public, sat, skin, support, team, usb, version, vu+
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    17-06-12, 10:44
    • 8
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    16-06-12, 20:21
  9. Et6x00 ItalySat 2.0 Dragon Edition

    Started by Larry-G, 12-04-12 17:29
    auto, backup, beta, edition, file, format, http, image, moderator, openpli, paytv, picons, pli, plugins, project, skin, team, tested, testing, things, update, usb, user, version, vuduo
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    20-05-12, 19:16
  10. New Drivers - linux-3.2.2 ET6000

    Started by Enzo, 11-02-12 13:06
    120, 201, 2012, 2020, 204, 600, 6x00, added, changelog, code, download, drivers, et6000, et6x00, http, linux, load, new, stb, switch, tar, video, view
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    11-02-12, 13:06
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    04-01-12, 18:15
  11. Xtrend ET6x00 - OpenPLi 2.1 Beta image

    Started by bassethound, 03-01-12 23:11
    6x00, beta, build, center, code, color, download, et6x00, http, image, latest, load, nightly, openpli, org, pli, size, xtrend
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    • 9,743
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    03-01-12, 23:11
  12. Open AAF Prerelease 17.12.2011 ET 6X00

    Started by bassethound, 17-12-11 22:02
    audio, beta, channels, dvd, epg, hardware, hdmi, http, images, infobar, latest, media, menu, online, openpli, permanent, pli, receiver, settings, small, swap, update, updates, vix, wlan
    • 0
    • 10,313
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    17-12-11, 22:02

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