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Forum: Xtrend ET6x00 Discussion

  1.   Sticky Threads  

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    26-11-13, 20:21
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: How to Install CCcam/MGCamd/Others on Duo/Solo/Uno/ET9000/ET5000/ET6000 ViX

    Started by punisher, 28-05-11 12:15
    7 Pages
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    19-08-12, 23:19
    • 1
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    07-03-12, 19:46
  3.   Normal Threads  

  1. Et600 crashed and will not boot up

    Started by Gizzm067, 07-03-12 19:09
    • 12
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    07-04-23, 18:29
  2. how can i activate cccam on openspa

    Started by hosseinscoot, 27-08-14 17:31
    600, activate, available, cam, cams, cccam, downloaded, guys, help, image, installed, kind, loaded, manager, panel, par, plz, reciever, softcam, xtrend
    • 5
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    15-05-19, 11:55
  3. Mediaportal rtmpdump does not go

    Started by YinYang, 14-10-15 03:30
    • 3
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    15-05-19, 11:42
    • 4
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    04-12-18, 07:33
  4. what 6500 DVB-C tuner module?

    Started by DariBer, 29-08-17 14:34
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    29-08-17, 14:34
  5. Text to speech on et8000

    Started by jimbo2015, 15-06-16 21:22
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    15-06-16, 21:22
  6. extrend 6000 prblem

    Started by hosseinscoot, 19-05-16 12:38
    • 0
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    19-05-16, 12:38
  7. problem in et6000

    Started by behrouz21, 24-03-15 09:59
    • 2
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    09-04-15, 16:04
    • 3
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    03-03-15, 12:59
  8. Problems flashing Xtrend et6000

    Started by amar786, 12-01-15 00:36
    boot problem, box, et6000, files, firmware, flash, flashing, guide, hat, image, images, latest, linux, official, pli, power, problems, stick, stuck, update, upgrade, usb, vix, working, xtrend
    • 4
    • 10,752
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    16-01-15, 09:50
  9. Can I install a fan in my et6000

    Started by BlackCap, 05-08-13 10:20
    282, 600, dont, et6000, fan, google, install, instructions, know, project, question, receiver, simple, site, star, start
    • 2
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    05-08-13, 13:01
  10. EPG forces box to not boot

    Started by Rimmel, 28-05-13 17:40
    2 Pages
    1 2
    600, boot, box, crossepg, epg, flash, good, hard, http, image, images, including, latest, loop, page, putting, reboot, restarts, satellite, setup, showing, stick, usb, vix, world
    • 17
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    17-07-13, 14:49
  11. Xtrend ET6000 Blind Scan

    Started by stone999, 31-05-13 03:49
    300, 600, answer, bee, blind, blind scan, et6000, europe, know, line, online, pheonix, sale, scan, sicilian, stone, tapatalk, thank, xtrend, yes or no
    • 7
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    03-06-13, 06:42
  12. channel list

    Started by Gizzm067, 14-05-13 07:50
    600, bouquets, channel, channel list, channels, connected, date, dont, et6000, feeds, freesat, guys, help, ing, link, list, listing, looking, months, point, right, sky, upto, work, xtrend
    • 6
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    14-05-13, 16:39
  13. A Question About CCcam Info

    Started by a100, 29-01-13 21:53
    234, bet, better, cccam, closed, codes, does, info, know, like, line, means, number, quality, question, rules, server, sharing, site, stay, thread, times, use, wanted
    • 1
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    29-01-13, 22:20
  14. Question Watching Channels on My PC

    Started by a100, 28-11-12 19:53
    600, bouquets, channel, channels, complete, configure, der, different, et6000, file, format, hat, install, load, possible, questions, react, satellite, stream, transponder, tuner, vlc, watch, watching
    • 1
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    28-11-12, 20:33
  15. Tuner Settings for xtrend 6000

    Started by sledge121, 21-09-12 17:29
    600, available, channels, check, configuration, crossepg, download, error, getting, ideas, info, load, problem, scan, service, set, settings, solo, tuner, wont, work, xtrend
    • 1
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    21-09-12, 21:04
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    21-09-12, 17:26
  16. e6000 remote control buttons

    Started by abu-obaid, 31-08-12 16:21
    button, buttons, control, displaying, idea, installed, issue, list, make, multi, quick, remote, remote control, vix
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    04-09-12, 17:19
  17. et6000 with HDD

    Started by abu-obaid, 23-08-12 08:57
    600, added, box, button, connect, convert, ect, enigma, enigma 2, et6000, ext, ext3, flashing, format, got, hdd, idea, installed, reflashing, restart, screen, ver, vix, welcome, xtrend
    • 5
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    24-08-12, 16:41
  18. no CIFS mount in new et6000 3.0 image?

    Started by hfmls, 20-08-12 18:29
    600, checks, cifs, et6000, fine, flashed, guys, idea, image, install, interface, like, mount, network, new, red, set, setting, settings, share, today, used, windows, work
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    20-08-12, 19:13
  19. Question Motor Dish Issue

    Started by a100, 12-08-12 01:41
    2 Pages
    1 2
    600, bought, changing, channels, connected, dish, end, failed, fine, guys, hat, help, issue, motor, moving, receiver, satellite, save, search, shows, store, target, time, tune, working
    • 22
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    13-08-12, 23:46
  20. No resume button on mediaplayer?

    Started by hfmls, 08-06-12 17:33
    2 Pages
    1 2
    add, avi, bar, box, bug, button, check, cifs, error, guys, hat, images, long, love, mediaplayer, mkv, movie, pause, playing, progress, share, stop, support, tested, watch
    • 28
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    20-07-12, 20:39
  21. picture freezing

    Started by rubberpants7, 11-06-12 17:26
    1080i, 2011, content, ext, freezing, happened, hat, hdmi, hints, image, multi, ote, pic, picture, plug, problem, remains, sep, september, set, settings, text, weekend, xtrend, zoom
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    11-06-12, 17:41
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    18-03-12, 20:01
  22. Thumbs up ET6000 review coming soon!

    Started by Sicilian, 30-11-11 08:20
    600, coming, damn, et6000, fan, far, fast, got, impressed, ing, just, pic, picture, post, receiver, review, speed, star, started, tes, testing, things, vix, xtrend, zoom
    • 11
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    08-03-12, 21:45
  23. Just an is this normal question

    Started by rus52, 19-02-12 11:01
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bbc, bbc1, bouquets, coax, enigma, image, images, ing, lnb, pic, picture, plugins, power, pressing, pulling, putting, receiver, satellite, settings, shut, shutting, standby, team, tune, usb
    • 15
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    21-02-12, 23:26
  24. Extrend Keeps vix image keeps crashing

    Started by Gizzm067, 06-02-12 14:49
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    06-02-12, 19:06
  25. et6000

    Started by johnboy3000, 28-01-12 19:29
    600, discount, dont, et5000, et6000, extra, forum, http, image, member, members, performs, plugins, post, receiver, satellite, solo, stock, support, tools, url, vu+, vu+ solo, work, world
    • 5
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    29-01-12, 14:57

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