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Threads 1 to 30 of 38

Forum: Eaglebox HD800

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to use Eaglebox HD "Super Setting"

    Started by Gonzo, 12-11-11 07:59
    151, add, attempt, avatar, cccam, check, config, connect, data, disable, emu, enabled, europe, good, how to, loaded, newcamd, red, set, setting, stuff, success, super, test, version
    • 3
    • 15,144
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    12-05-12, 05:33
  3. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to back up and restore your Eaglebox HD Settings

    Started by Gonzo, 12-11-11 07:57
    bin, blue, button, card, eaglebox, file, how to, ing, load, reboot, receiver, restore, save, set, setting, settings, upgrade, usb
    • 0
    • 9,880
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    12-11-11, 07:57
  4. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to load an EagleboxHD Softcam

    Started by Gonzo, 12-11-11 07:57
    cam, card, eaglebox, eagleboxhd, file, how to, ing, key, load, rac, reboot, receiver, set, setting, softcam, stick, upgrade, usb
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    • 10,180
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    12-11-11, 07:57
  5. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to load EagleboxHD Super Setting details.

    Started by Gonzo, 12-11-11 07:56
    4shared, add, bee, card, code, details, eaglebox, eagleboxhd, file, how to, http, ing, load, reboot, receiver, set, setting, shared, shares, super, super setting, txt, upgrade, usb
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    • 9,158
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    12-11-11, 07:56
  6. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to patch your Eaglebox HD Mini

    Started by Gonzo, 12-11-11 07:54
    151, bin, card, der, file, how to, ing, mini, number, patch, pin, place, rac, reboot, receiver, red, reflash, remove, rom, set, setting, stick, turn, upgrade, usb
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    • 9,974
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    12-11-11, 07:54
  7.   Normal Threads  

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    25-03-13, 17:52
  1. Hotbird channel list

    Started by Quell, 24-02-13 15:08
    bird, channel, channel list, cyfra, editor, hotbird, list, looking, polsat
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    • 8,141
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    24-02-13, 15:08
  2. eaglebox nplease help

    Started by maninblack1963, 16-12-12 14:18
    aged, bee, bird, black, cam, dish, eaglebox, file, having, help, hotbird, installation, installed, just, loaded, motorised, noob, probs, satellite, sats, set, settings, sky, super, think
    • 3
    • 9,994
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    16-01-13, 22:04
    • 2
    • 10,308
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    18-11-12, 17:07
  3. Interested In Eaglebox

    Started by London Dave, 26-10-12 17:55
    able, bet, better, biss, cam, dont, eaglebox, ethernet, forum, help, interested, ive, keys, looking, looks, new, patch, really, server, softcam, stuff, tech, technomate, using, years
    • 8
    • 13,332
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    26-10-12, 21:00
  4. Eaglebox channel list help

    Started by scooterman, 27-09-12 21:57
    bei, bin, channel, channel list, channels, convert, does, eagle, eaglebox, end, files, help, know, list, load, make, months, possible, reason, sat, spiderbox, ver, watch
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    • 9,298
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    27-09-12, 21:57
  5. eaglebox hd 800 help sat scan

    Started by birdman99, 29-08-12 10:44
    192, 800, box, channel, dns, dyndns, factory, forum, hat, how to, list, loaded, menu, newcamd, problem, reset, sat, satellite, scan, set, setting, settings, super, working, works
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    • 8,672
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    29-08-12, 10:44
    • 1
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    25-08-12, 16:34
  6. maximum line

    Started by cat, 22-08-12 06:03
    address, box, closed, fix, help, line, load, maximum, number, read, requires, rules, server, thread
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    22-08-12, 06:30
    • 2
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    20-08-12, 21:02
  7. eagle box 800hd super settings

    Started by rhinoranger, 24-05-12 14:06
    151, 800hd, appreciated, bought, box, control, eagle, entry, ing, menu, needed, open, option, pin, press, remote, remote control, set, setting, settings, software, super, super setting, trouble, version
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    17-06-12, 15:24
  8. eagle box hd 'bricked'

    Started by rhinoranger, 08-06-12 22:41
    800, access, appreciated, bei, blue, box, bring, cccam, connect, different, eagle, ect, firmware, flashing, hello, help, just, life, menu, port, rs232, screen, success, tes, test
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    09-06-12, 18:40
  9. Frustrated with lack of tutorial information available

    Started by shaft, 27-01-12 18:23
    2 Pages
    1 2
    113, 132, aquila, bee, bit, cccam, change, completely, ext, feel, hat, info, install, ive, make, naughty, patch, rob, silverfox, taking, text, title, topic, work, wow
    • 19
    • 24,009
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    02-06-12, 21:18
  10. problems with reading my smartcard

    Started by heat1982, 06-01-12 06:16
    106, 198, 285, boxes, card, conax, eaglebox, files, flash, hat, hd800, help, http, image, installed, linux, providers, read, satellite, section, software, vix, work, works, world
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    11-05-12, 18:51
    • 7
    • 14,110
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    24-04-12, 21:25
  11. Internet problems

    Started by sphinx700, 16-04-12 10:22
    auto, box, check, configuration, configure, connection, detect, firmware, google, hey, ing, internet, latest, load, lost, manual, maps, problem, problems, set, setting, settings, soft, standby, turn
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    24-04-12, 19:27
  12. Channel lists and bouquets

    Started by BadBoy, 21-04-12 09:49
    bouquet, bouquets, box, channel, hat, lists, offered, openbox, point, right
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    21-04-12, 09:49
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    29-03-12, 23:59
  13. Issues with FTA channels

    Started by valbg, 12-03-12 17:28
    audio, channel, channels, distorted, factory, fix, fta, hat, issue, issues, like, mini, minutes, problems, reality, reset
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    20-03-12, 02:29
  14. Auto clean screen

    Started by v8rick, 25-02-12 10:23
    answer, auto, bee, box, clean, clear, does, info, ive, know, menu, question, screen
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    25-02-12, 10:23
  15. Channel list

    Started by v8rick, 24-02-12 14:24
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    24-02-12, 14:24
  16. Channel list

    Started by v8rick, 18-02-12 12:06
    based, case, channel, channels, data, der, dish, eagle, fixed, hat, help, list, loading, motorised, needs, north, scan, set, single, transponder, use, west
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    18-02-12, 12:06
  17. Disk shared in LAN

    Started by v8rick, 26-01-12 15:12
    800hd, address, available, box, button, comment, connected, date, disk, guys, hat, lan, list, looked, network, patch, pcs, possible, rac, read, round, time, usb, work, youtube
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    26-01-12, 15:32
  18. how to update eaglebox hd800?

    Started by heat1982, 07-01-12 14:15
    201, 2011, aquila, eaglebox, flash, hd800, how to, http, patch, reading, satellite, star, start, update, url, world
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    07-01-12, 14:17
  19. Chanel Lists and PVR on the HD800

    Started by mcquaim, 26-11-11 22:50
    2 Pages
    1 2
    bei, bouquet, built, channel, couple, dev, eaglebox, editor, forum, ing, iphone, list, make, making, released, scratch, sic, software, spiderbox, staff, tapatalk, team, theres, till, waiting
    • 17
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    04-01-12, 17:57
  20. Internet Streams

    Started by valbg, 19-12-11 14:52
    aware, hat, internet, receiver, stream, streams, watch, way
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    20-12-11, 22:17
  21. Question Frequent freezes

    Started by valbg, 14-12-11 14:45
    340, 7000s, 800hd, alias1, blade, box, boxes, channel, create, description, good, half, hat, high, linux, perfect, pic, picture, problem, qbox, question, replace, says, think, years
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    19-12-11, 16:17
  22. epg?

    Started by ibrahim63400, 12-12-11 00:20
    5402, astra, basic, buying, eaglebox, epg, ext, extra, good, great, hd800, interested, like, losing, money, quality, receiver, set, short, supply, tech, technomate, tell, thinking, watching
    • 3
    • 10,963
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    16-12-11, 20:57

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