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Threads 1 to 30 of 75

Forum: Dutch Corner

  1. Probleem met kanaal zoeken

    Started by edsel, 28-04-23 15:21
    3 Pages
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    09-05-23, 10:13
  2. Multiestream

    Started by gklaas, 29-04-19 15:23
    • 4
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    29-04-19, 18:03
    • 1
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    25-08-17, 17:48
  3. Ziggo softcam problem?

    Started by George Kildare, 29-08-15 16:41
    • 3
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    29-08-15, 19:10
  4. Cable scan for Ziggo channels?

    Started by George Kildare, 29-08-15 13:35
    • 4
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    29-08-15, 16:51
  5. 23.5 en 28.2 ontvangen met een vaste schotel

    Started by gbok, 08-09-14 12:30
    28.2, air, box, duo, euro, free, hallo, image, info, itv, lnb, meer, met, newbie, sat, scan, site, switch, transponder, tuners, voor, vu+, vu+duo, waarom, win
    • 6
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    14-09-14, 18:49
  6. VU plus solo2 met enigma4

    Started by on4kkp, 14-05-14 06:45
    2 Pages
    1 2
    box, cam, dan, der, display, enigma, flash, forum, ice, ing, install, meer, men, met, nice, open, ops, pli, plus, slag, softcam, solo, solo2, starting, threads
    • 21
    • 20,965
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    15-05-14, 04:55
    • 6
    • 11,269
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    25-04-14, 08:59
  7. settings vuia webif

    Started by bellejt, 13-02-14 18:45
    alle, bij, browser, duo, duo2, firefox, internet, make, met, openvix, set, settings, vix, vu+, vu+ duo, web, webif
    • 2
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    15-02-14, 11:23
  8. Channel toevoegen aan favorite Bouquet.

    Started by gbok, 04-02-14 16:40
    abm, ben, bij, bouquet, channel, channels, dan, die, directory, download, dreamboxedit, dreamset, duo, editor, flash, forum, ftp, hoe, load, make, met, pet, van, vu+, vu+duo
    • 7
    • 11,548
    Go to last post
    05-02-14, 17:30
  9. On demand plugin voor vix image

    Started by gbok, 03-01-14 23:10
    28.2, astra, demand, die, duo, fta, image, internet, iplayer, make, met, nederland, official, plugin, proxy, server, ste, update, van, vix, vix image, voor, vu+duo, werkt, work
    • 4
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    21-01-14, 06:08
  10. vu+ in netwerk maar location not available

    Started by bellejt, 18-01-14 17:01
    available, box, cut, der, directory, duo, duo2, explorer, ftp, hdd, help, info, location, met, router, samba, sat, share, shortcut, vu+, vu+ duo, vuduo, waarom, werkt, windows
    • 2
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    18-01-14, 18:02
  11. openvpn

    Started by duocams, 13-01-14 02:01
    113, 180, client, command, duo, end, guide, http, init, issue, list, make, openvpn, point, run, running, satellite, server, start, telnet, time, vix, vpn, work, world
    • 0
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    13-01-14, 02:01
  12. streamchannelconverter / partnerbox

    Started by duocams, 18-11-13 12:05
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    apple, bij, card, cccam, client, connect, der, display, duo, ect, epg, feeds, ftp, lan, met, nfs, partnerbox, pro, reading, samba, telnet, timers, tuner, ver, vix
    • 30
    • 29,261
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    29-12-13, 23:31
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    26-12-13, 06:01
  13. Hallo en vraag over externe versterker

    Started by Jeroen2, 24-11-13 14:44
    audio, der, die, goed, hallo, kabel, loop, make, plugin, rob, setup, sync, ultimo, van, versterker, vu+, vu+ ultimo, werkt
    • 3
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    24-11-13, 16:23
    • 13
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    31-10-13, 11:17
  14. opnames op duo2 bekijken met een duo

    Started by duocams, 10-10-13 22:44
    2 Pages
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    192, 1tb, 500gb, ben, bij, card, direct, duo, duo2, forum, hdd, internet, lan, laptop, live, menu, met, mount, sticky, upload, usb, vix, vu+, webif, week
    • 26
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    18-10-13, 11:05
  15. Duo2 popup en firmware update

    Started by duocams, 09-10-13 21:26
    • 11
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    11-10-13, 14:46
  16. duo2 pip

    Started by duocams, 11-10-13 09:56
    code, die, duo, duo2, make, met, perfect, pip, receiver, scherm, screen, split, van, vix, voor, werkt
    • 2
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    11-10-13, 13:44
  17. Tunein Radio

    Started by kerijaan, 25-09-13 09:21
    build, cas, demand, der, does, goed, hallo, luis, media, met, ondemand, plugin, plugins, pre, radio, rob, shoutcast, van, voor, werkt
    • 5
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    04-10-13, 21:07
  18. skin probleem et 5x00 met open vix image

    Started by altobelli, 25-08-13 10:42
    5x00, box, feeds, hallo, image, info, ipk, make, menu, met, mipsel, open, rob, skin, skins, ste, update, van, vix, vix image, voor, week
    • 3
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    28-08-13, 07:54
  19. Vix 3.0v718 vuduo xbmc install error

    Started by duocams, 12-08-13 19:53
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    15-08-13, 05:43
  20. HbbTV op VU+ UNO

    Started by kerijaan, 16-12-12 11:53
    2 Pages
    1 2
    cccam, color, dan, dir, enigma, enigma2, hallo, hbb, hbbtv, http, index, kernel, met, openpli, openvix, pli, plugin, satellite, uno, url, van, vix, vu+, werkt, world
    • 16
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    30-07-13, 07:00
  21. OpenVix

    Started by kerijaan, 03-07-13 13:46
    3.0, alle, ben, bij, cccam, dan, enigma, enigma2, hallo, http, image, install, make, met, openpli, openvix, pli, satellite, usb, vix, voor, vuuno, wizard, word
    • 7
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    03-07-13, 14:36
  22. avi bestand op vu duo zetten

    Started by sjoedy, 23-06-13 15:47
    avi, dan, die, duo, film, films, ftp, hdd, map, media, poor, stick, usb, vu duo, vuduo
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    23-06-13, 19:05
  23. epg crash

    Started by duocams, 25-04-13 12:49
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    27-04-13, 14:33
  24. Vu + ( mkv,mp 4 )

    Started by kerijaan, 27-03-13 14:23
    204, 650, able, english, hallo, help, hoe, issue, meer, mkv, openpli, pli, section, usb, voor
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    27-03-13, 15:19
  25. tunein radio plugin op ET9000?

    Started by Prishara, 08-09-12 16:10
    900, 9000, app, bouquet, browser, cas, die, et9000, hoe, internet, led, luis, menu, met, philips, plays, plugin, post, radio, shoutcast, site, smart, url, van, voor
    • 12
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    07-03-13, 10:09
  26. Nas+usb+hdd

    Started by duocams, 26-02-13 01:59
    500gb, beware, boot, drives, dvd, ext, hdd, iso, linux, magic, manager, media, menu, nas, nfs, ops, plugin, restart, site, systemrescuecd, tool, type, usb, vix, win
    • 3
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    27-02-13, 11:50

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