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Forum: Xtrend ET5000 Discussion

  1.   Sticky Threads  

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    26-11-13, 20:14
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    18-12-11, 21:46
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: ET5000 User Manual (English)+(German)

    Started by bassethound, 18-05-11 12:49
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    20-08-11, 11:23
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    04-05-11, 14:51
  3.   Normal Threads  

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    18-09-18, 23:05
  1. Web browsing

    Started by kungfoo22, 18-11-17 13:00
    • 1
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    18-11-17, 15:15
  2. cccam cfg

    Started by mikehunt43, 08-07-11 09:35
    cam, cardsharing, cccam, cccam.cfg, cfg, create, desk, desktop, details, extension, file, files, forums, ftp, hand, how to, lan, life, perfect, receiver, save, server, talk, thank, wont
    • 11
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    28-03-16, 08:45
  3. Xtrend ET-5000

    Started by server-holo, 19-11-15 21:30
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    19-11-15, 21:30
  4. Red face Xtrend ET-5000 with bootloader 2.6.31

    Started by corrisi, 01-10-11 16:07
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    500, 5000, booting, bootloader, compatible, correct, et5000, files, flash, flashing, image, ing, just, linux, load, loader, new, page, receiver, satellite, ubifs, usb, vix, witch, xtrend
    • 44
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    08-06-15, 18:06
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    01-04-15, 09:11
  5. My et 5000 does not want boot

    Started by essam100, 09-03-13 13:59
    2 or 3, 300, 500, 5000, boot, box, does, enigma, failure, hat, help, home, hours, image, images, install, led, loader, power, red, respond, suggestion, till, time, vix
    • 11
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    02-12-14, 17:42
  6. open vix et5x00 new image

    Started by wingy, 16-10-14 10:12
    5x00, april, bee, dir, drivers, et5x00, guys, hat, http, image, images, index, just, know, like, months, new, new image, open, openvix, updating, url, vix, xtrend, years
    • 3
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    16-10-14, 19:08
  7. ET5000 power supply

    Started by jonc, 13-06-14 22:28
    500, 5000, box, et5000, friend, got, head, just, looking, lost, need, plug, power, power supply, round, size, supply, tell, xtrend
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    13-06-14, 22:28
  8. USB WiFi Dongle

    Started by Tostie, 25-03-14 17:37
    500, 5000, connect, der, does, doesn, dongle, driver, ect, far, fine, hat, image, key, linux, memory, need, reach, suggest, usb, use, using, vix, wifi, xtrend
    • 3
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    26-03-14, 13:15
  9. ET5000 repair?

    Started by Rimmel, 22-02-14 15:11
    500, 5000, couple, does, doesn, download, dropping, epg, et5000, failing, fan, hot, leave, load, looked, ops, playing, really, repair, star, start, stops, switch, turn, usb
    • 10
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    28-02-14, 11:48
  10. BH image for xtrend 5xxx

    Started by tagteam3283, 31-12-13 18:32
    5xx, black, box, build, company, cube, dont, guys, hey, hole, image, isnt, reason, support, vu+, xtrend, xxx
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    31-12-13, 18:39
  11. Xtrend ET5x00

    Started by hamidi, 18-12-13 20:36
    305, 5x00, et5x00, file, flash, format, help, hey, http, image, know, like, linux, logo, pls, screen, smart, stick, tapatalk, thank, usb, using, vix, work, xtrend
    • 9
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    20-12-13, 14:37
  12. Lightbulb Et5000 wont falsh

    Started by cypchris, 30-10-13 01:57
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    30-10-13, 23:08
  13. Can't flash latest 3.0 image

    Started by Rimmel, 18-04-13 11:12
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    23-08-13, 16:16
  14. ET5000 RS232 upgrade

    Started by Spencer, 01-10-11 07:37
    500, 5000, bin, boot, box, clarke, et5000, files, flash, future, ing, kernel, look, new, old, program, rs232, star, starting, stb, thread, upgrade, usb, ver, xtrend
    • 4
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    30-07-13, 22:25
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    15-07-13, 07:40
  15. Latest Vix images

    Started by g_p_t, 12-05-13 10:09
    500, 5000, boot, builds, dont, error, et5000, exactly, forum, hey, ideas, image, images, just, latest, pli, reboots, receiver, screen, spi, spin, spinner, usb, vix, work
    • 4
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    12-05-13, 16:00
  16. ET5000 replacement?

    Started by Rimmel, 18-04-13 15:27
    500, 5000, 5x00, 6x00, does, dvb, dvb-s2, enigma, et5000, et5x00, et6x00, faster, firmware, hat, maxdigital, pvr, rate, receiver, recommend, replacement, reply, single, slower, tuner, usb
    • 4
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    18-04-13, 18:59
  17. update Fail...

    Started by copex, 05-02-13 19:28
    5x00, box, check, data, enigma, enigma2, error, errors, et5x00, fail, feeds, file, hat, http, install, ipk, loading, package, satellite, share, shows, telnet, update, upgrading, world
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    05-02-13, 19:33
  18. Flash Problem today - Help needed please

    Started by Prioryman, 29-01-13 00:16
    2 Pages
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    1pm, 500, 5000, access, background, bee, box, enigma, enigma2, et5000, file, flash, graphics, init, left, login, needed, path, problem, pull, today, type, update, vix, worried
    • 16
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    29-01-13, 20:15
  19. softcam

    Started by mikehunt43, 27-12-12 12:10
    bit, cam, ccam, cfg, channels, cli, cline, closed, codes, donkey, edit, file, forum, free, guys, hat, installed, key, like, oscam, rules, softcam, thank, view, viewing
    • 4
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    27-12-12, 13:38
  20. hdmi vix et

    Started by mikehunt43, 18-12-12 22:51
    feature, hat, hdmi, help, inch, led, look, manual, menu, new, opera, series, stb, thank, vix, wont, work
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    19-12-12, 06:57
  21. hardlink to timeshift file failed

    Started by fizza, 30-10-12 17:59
    error, failed, file, hdd, image, message, needed, new, new image, recording, thank, timeshift, today
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    30-10-12, 17:59
  22. Which hard drive do you use ?

    Started by bushiee, 25-09-12 10:47
    1tb, 500, 5000, compatible, connected, digital, drive, drives, freezes, freezing, guy, guys, hard, hard drive, hat, main, playback, playing, problem, programmes, recorded, slow, usb, western, world
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    03-10-12, 12:55
  23. disk full error

    Started by mikehunt43, 06-08-11 13:34
    153, 155, available, box, code, dev, hat, hdd, like, look, media, mounted, problems, results, root, size, sorted, space, successfully, tapatalk, tell, telnet, type, used, yeah
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    30-09-12, 20:18
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    28-09-12, 21:49
  24. Box will not boot

    Started by Spoof, 21-08-12 15:36
    2.3, boot, bootloader, box, deep, flash, green, hdmi, ideas, image, led, linux, load, loader, new, new image, pli, red, screen, smart, standby, stuck, team, turn, xtrend
    • 3
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    27-09-12, 15:28
  25. flash

    Started by mikehunt43, 25-07-12 14:52
    box, check, corrupt, disk, does, dont, fine, flash, freeze, giving, goes, going, hdd, help, keeps, know, makes, possible, reboot, records, reflash, run, says, timeshift, working
    • 1
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    26-09-12, 22:27
  26. ET 5000 won't update or load plugins

    Started by Tyler, 22-06-12 18:28
    500, 5000, box, check, connected, connections, extrend, feeds, great, guys, image, internet, latest, line, list, load, main, network, online, perfect, plugin, plugins, update, vix, working
    • 14
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    26-09-12, 22:24

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