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Threads 1 to 21 of 21

Forum: Media Players and Network Media-Players

  1. Advice for streaming client box

    Started by Mickkie, 02-07-23 23:22
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    22-03-24, 19:18
  2. OpenVix File Names when moved to a PC

    Started by Hebridean, 14-12-20 16:10
    file names, openvix names, recordings
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    15-12-20, 18:36
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    28-03-19, 22:55
  3. Mag 322

    Started by papapetroum, 27-03-19 23:10
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    27-03-19, 23:10
  4. Amazon fire. Which is best, the fire tv stick or fire tv box

    Started by john doe, 15-04-15 17:51
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    28-02-19, 02:39
  5. mounting vu hdd on plex library

    Started by satello, 13-05-18 22:57
    plex, vuplus
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    07-06-18, 10:02
  6. Home plug adaptors

    Started by spartans, 25-09-16 11:57
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    26-09-16, 18:29
  7. Media Boxes

    Started by Tryharder, 19-01-16 12:08
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    24-01-16, 01:32
  8. Sumvision Cyclone X2 Smart Media Player

    Started by huey45, 27-12-14 15:05
    advance, bee, box, cannot, cyclone, downstairs, ends, ice, info, lots, media, mode, nice, player, plays, reference, sat, smart, sponsor, sumvision, supports, uno, use, vu+, vu+ uno
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    30-12-14, 09:53
  9. Slingbox

    Started by Blu-ray, 08-09-11 11:20
    android, app, control, cost, droid, duo, forward, galaxy, gbox, good, got, hey, market, need, port, problems, remote, router, slingbox, solo, streaming, thread, virtual, vu+duo, work
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    17-04-14, 14:10
  10. Slingbox advice

    Started by dazzlaa, 23-03-14 20:31
    advice, bit, duo, football, hat, home, internet, iphone, laptop, location, remain, run, running, set, slingbox, streaming, tuner, upgrading, video, vlc, vu+, vu+ duo, watch, whilst, working
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    29-03-14, 09:31
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    07-03-14, 03:18
  11. Which would be better.

    Started by Emulated, 20-01-14 12:37
    basic, bet, better, boxes, general, getting, install, live, media, openelec, player, problem, revo, search, setup, sony, streaming, thread, use, using, views, works, xbmc
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    21-01-14, 11:03
  12. Network media player to watch live streams from E2 box

    Started by dragoscevero, 29-07-13 08:02
    2 Pages
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    android, box, connected, dongle, droid, enigma, enigma2, hat, hdmi, lan, live, local, media, multi, multituner, network, player, quad, recordings, searching, solution, streams, watch, watched, work
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    11-09-13, 23:46
  13. itv player

    Started by mikehunt43, 29-08-13 09:00
    300, bbc, box, cheap, demand, feeds, good, hat, info, iplayer, itv, looked, mate, means, ondemand, player, plugin, pooface, recommend, tapatalk, thank, use, using, wants, wrong
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    30-08-13, 21:57
  14. IPTV Android Boxes

    Started by Jigsy99, 04-08-13 10:03
    add, android, bet, better, boxes, channels, cheap, does, droid, ebay, ect, good, hey, honest, iptv, looked, months, official, post, really, section, tes, test, upgrade, wrong
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    04-08-13, 16:37
  15. Xtreamer prodigy

    Started by Tyler, 29-10-11 00:08
    apple, company, constant, customers, decided, great, guys, happy, hey, joke, latest, lighten, media, money, new, piece, player, really, releasing, return, software, stan, taking, xbmc, xtreamer
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    09-09-12, 07:43
  16. Xoom or Samsung tab??

    Started by irishchris, 25-12-11 23:41
    app, biggest, channel, channels, clear, connection, control, cut, dreamdroid, files, fine, great, hat, just, mode, movies, play, remote, remote control, speed, stream, streaming, support, wireless, xoom
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    27-12-11, 22:33
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    16-11-11, 20:25
  17. WDTV Live to play .ts files from a duo

    Started by hifial, 16-10-11 19:48
    accessing, bit, box, car, daughter, duo, experience, files, good, hat, item, linux, live, media, play, player, recorded, recordings, room, sat, solution, thinking, vu+, vu+ duo, watch
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    26-10-11, 17:35

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