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Threads 1 to 15 of 15

Forum: AV Amplifiers and Receivers

  1. HDMI Splitter - 1 In 2 Out Not Simultaneously

    Started by CRMS, 04-10-20 06:46
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    04-10-20, 11:54
  2. New to thus area advuce on amp recvr

    Started by 1hamster, 27-07-20 12:52
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    22-09-20, 18:06
  3. could anyone give advice please ?

    Started by chadda, 12-12-17 11:57
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    13-12-17, 07:06
  4. yamaha av reciever

    Started by dlmlus, 09-03-17 22:40
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    10-03-17, 19:19
  5. What's your AV Amp/Set up?

    Started by banie01, 22-03-11 01:04
    4 Pages
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    800, amp, awesome, blu, cool, day, eastenders, equipment, fro, future, installed, just, kitchen, lol, onkyo, plus, pooface, ray, series, setup, sound, surround, updated, wires, zone
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    05-12-16, 17:49
  6. HDMI to VGA conversion problem

    Started by pavana, 27-01-16 14:44
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    27-01-16, 18:06
  7. 2 Into 1?

    Started by erinville, 21-09-15 21:12
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    21-09-15, 21:12
  8. which amp would be suitable? looking for suggestions?

    Started by s1m0nw, 28-07-15 19:10
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    01-08-15, 08:48
  9. Can't get video through vu uno

    Started by steve1978, 22-06-15 21:43
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    22-06-15, 21:43
  10. HDMI extender over CAT6 with IR

    Started by matty_keane, 19-06-14 15:13
    access, amazon, belkin, box, buy, cat, configuration, hat, hdmi, home, how to, http, item, main, moved, output, ref, remotely, returns, room, setup, suggestions, tech, technomate, website
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    12-09-14, 16:52
  11. Harmony 525/555

    Started by Stanman, 29-05-14 19:29
    300, 525, activity, control, devices, does, guide, harmony, hat, how to, ing, just, love, money, picture, replace, selected, series, set, setting, sound, stb, step, use, volume
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    30-05-14, 12:23
  12. distribution

    Started by cwebb66, 12-04-14 09:56
    advance, boxes, cables, distribution, existing, extra, face, help, input, job, lnb, puts, putting, pvr, quad, radio, receivers, run, running, separate, set, setting, signals, sky, work
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    12-04-14, 12:29
  13. Best HD AV Sender/Receiver (HDMI?)

    Started by G8WTT, 27-12-13 22:00
    1080p, able, bedroom, best, box, der, dish, enable, got, hdmi, money, pic, pictures, quality, receiver, recently, second, sender, setup, signal, solo, vu+, vu+ solo, watch, xmas
    • 8
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    08-01-14, 06:10
  14. Test your 5.1

    Started by marty, 02-01-13 19:53
    amp, code, far, free, http, playing, tes, test
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    02-01-13, 19:53
  15. Need advise on a new amp

    Started by silverfox0786, 03-10-11 23:14
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    16-07-12, 21:30

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