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Threads 1 to 30 of 50

Forum: VU+ Developer Talk

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Exclamation Sticky Thread Sticky: Read this before posting here!

    Started by Sicilian, 15-08-10 20:07
    153, 234, bee, deleted, developer, development, discussion, general, hat, http, ing, moved, place, plugin, post, posting, read, request, section, sections, support, talk, url, vu+, vuplus
    • 3
    • 13,222
    Go to last post
    07-12-10, 16:40
  3.   Normal Threads  

  1. Question Widescreen (16:9) via Composite?

    Started by Timbo, 16-05-16 15:03
    4 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 4
    • 53
    • 42,034
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    04-01-17, 19:59
  2. Wake On Lan port

    Started by lscolman, 25-05-16 19:11
    • 5
    • 9,300
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    26-05-16, 19:29
  3. Python3

    Started by finbarr, 25-04-16 16:28
    • 0
    • 7,050
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    25-04-16, 16:28
  4. Switching from RTSP to HLS streaming

    Started by rdougan, 01-11-15 20:44
    • 1
    • 8,538
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    26-03-16, 16:29
  5. OpenVIX build environment

    Started by amadeus99, 22-01-16 17:29
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • 33
    • 24,110
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    16-02-16, 09:22
    • 0
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    28-01-16, 21:29
  6. New Vu+ Hardware Drivers

    Started by Larry-G, 02-06-11 08:22
    8 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 8
    • 117
    • 83,611
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    13-05-15, 09:59
  7. Dropbox Plugin

    Started by 2stein, 26-02-15 20:40
    • 2
    • 10,156
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    12-05-15, 21:27
  8. New VU+ Zero

    Started by Trial, 18-11-14 09:39
    6 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 6
    • 89
    • 74,065
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    04-05-15, 21:27
  9. Subtitles from Blu Ray rips

    Started by lscolman, 21-04-15 18:51
    • 0
    • 7,197
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    21-04-15, 18:51
  10. Enigma development environment

    Started by Erling, 28-03-15 13:43
    • 5
    • 9,042
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    28-03-15, 18:03
  11. vu xbmc preview test

    Started by Ev0, 14-12-14 14:45
    7 Pages
    1 2 3 ... 7
    apple, beginning, coming, devices, duo, duo2, end, hat, ing, like, looks, models, par, preview, really, roll, screen, solo2, tes, test, url, vu+, watch, xbmc, youtube
    • 93
    • 60,179
    Go to last post
    30-01-15, 23:06
  12. Building a Driver - Need some help

    Started by pz8l8t, 27-11-14 15:43
    build, building, device, download, driver, finding, help, include, just, know, links, linux, load, looking, men, need, pointers, right, set, setting, source, ubuntu, usb, vu+, wireless
    • 1
    • 7,648
    Go to last post
    27-11-14, 17:35
  13. Dvb-t detaile scan

    Started by dax, 20-10-14 15:36
    • 13
    • 13,326
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    26-10-14, 12:56
  14. Functional browser plugin

    Started by Pseudomax, 23-10-14 09:17
    box, browser, challenge, content, development, duo, great, happy, hat, hole, internet, missing, multimedia, opera, play, plugin, reading, real, sky, software, stream, streaming, suggestions, vu+, vu+ duo
    • 3
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    Go to last post
    24-10-14, 03:58
  15. Autoresolution: odd aspect ratio issue

    Started by lscolman, 30-09-14 20:45
    192, answer, aspect, correct, faces, hat, intel, issue, lee, long, main, maintains, needs, option, output, playback, post, ratio, results, satellite, set, settings, ste, video, xbmc
    • 2
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    30-09-14, 22:42
  16. Development environment

    Started by Peanut006, 11-01-13 21:44
    2 Pages
    1 2
    check, configure, create, easiest, great, hat, hey, how to, image, initial, install, linux, machine, memory, needed, questions, ready, recommend, setup, software, tutorial, virtual, vix, vu+, works
    • 28
    • 26,255
    Go to last post
    22-08-14, 13:03
  17. 24Hz refresh rate: any plans for support?

    Started by lscolman, 13-08-14 19:57
    auto, change, enable, hat, ing, job, lee, lot, manually, mit, mode, nexus, output, plans, rate, refresh rate, requires, resolution, set, setting, support, tapatalk, today, watch
    • 2
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    Go to last post
    14-08-14, 08:42
  18. AAC why is downmix required

    Started by lscolman, 11-08-14 20:41
    aac, able, amp, apollo, dts, duo, duo2, files, hdmi, high, ing, latest, lee, mix, mp4, playing, plus, required, run, running, sony, sound, support, thoughts, version
    • 1
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    Go to last post
    12-08-14, 15:56
  19. Build openvix fails on archlinux

    Started by dax, 31-03-14 18:55
    clone, command, date, error, failed, fully, home, image, info, install, log, make, message, package, path, problem, run, running, set, shown, status, stored, usage, vix, wiki
    • 1
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    Go to last post
    08-04-14, 04:41
  20. Question Problems building from scratch

    Started by W1deBoy, 21-01-14 17:06
    build, building, development, enigma, enigma2, environment, http, image, installed, ipk, linux, make, plugin, point, post, problems, running, satellite, solo, sources, user, vix, vuplus, world, xml
    • 5
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    25-01-14, 19:21
  21. Duo2 Code Released

    Started by pac2000, 12-05-13 22:09
    • 8
    • 14,449
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    28-05-13, 12:11
  22. How to build addons to cvs image

    Started by Polar Bear, 18-04-13 10:06
    add, addons, bad, bootlogo, box, build, builds, clean, default, dmm, english, enigma, files, google, hat, how to, image, info, logo, names, replay, set, settings, skins, things
    • 0
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    18-04-13, 10:06
  23. New driver 121025

    Started by Trial, 25-10-12 12:42
    167, 201, 2012, add, boot, box, driver, enigma, fail, fix, flashing, hat, hey, imo, lock, new, problem, questions, support, trial, tuner, ultimo, updates, updating, vix
    • 3
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    12-11-12, 21:46
  24. 50Hz and 60Hz Multi setting

    Started by lscolman, 11-11-12 18:23
    auto, does, drivers, good, hat, having, ing, issue, lee, multi, pain, rate, real, recorded, refresh rate, satellite, set, setting, settings, support, switch, time, tuner, vu+, vuplus
    • 3
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    12-11-12, 21:07
  25. Amiko Alien 2

    Started by chrislfc, 26-08-12 18:38
    based, enigma, enigma 2, favour, forum, gain, going, hack, hacked, hardware, hey, image, openvix, place, plugins, receiver, receivers, run, satellite, spark, stick, support, team, things, vix
    • 6
    • 19,132
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    04-11-12, 17:18
  26. build error ubuntu 12.04

    Started by osborne82, 05-06-12 10:45
    add, audio, building, cas, clean, convert, default, enabled, error, errors, hat, home, linux, main, openpli, pli, problem, range, short, text, update, virtual, vix, vuduo, work
    • 1
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    19-06-12, 21:27
  27. Build OpenVix 2.3

    Started by andyblac, 19-11-11 20:41
    2 Pages
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    15-04-12, 18:03
  28. VU+ opens "Open Source Server"

    Started by Rob van der Does, 01-12-11 08:18
    bm750, code, decided, does, doesn, dreams, duo, http, ing, know, open, open source server, opens, putting, recent, server, source, url, used, vu+, vuplus, vusolo, vuuno
    • 2
    • 10,178
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    08-04-12, 17:51
  29. Blindscan .py files

    Started by Huevos, 16-01-12 04:50
    • 14
    • 19,406
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    26-01-12, 21:52

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