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Threads 1 to 30 of 125

Forum: Linux Operating Systems

  1. Smarters IPTV on Vu Duo2

    Started by johnsilvo, 08-02-20 14:21
    smart iptv, smartersiptv
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    08-02-20, 14:26
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    13-08-19, 07:53
  2. Enigma 2 opkg install error.

    Started by Alankellyeire, 29-06-18 21:40
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    02-07-18, 14:10
  3. DCC-E2 on Linux Mint 18

    Started by jockp2, 30-10-16 16:46
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    30-10-16, 17:06
  4. Ftp

    Started by dlmlus, 08-11-15 11:49
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    08-11-15, 11:49
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    16-10-15, 21:50
  5. Question ubi extract problem ?!

    Started by fairbird, 08-09-15 23:56
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    08-09-15, 23:56
  6. Ubuntu MATE 15.04

    Started by Larry-G, 28-04-15 18:42
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    28-04-15, 18:42
  7. Ubuntu GNOME 15.04 (Vivid Vervet).

    Started by Larry-G, 28-04-15 18:39
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    28-04-15, 18:39
  8. Raspbian 2015-01-31

    Started by Larry-G, 03-02-15 23:32
    board, buy, downloads, hardware, hat, http, image, images, including, kernel, latest, launch, linux, opera, page, popular, release, replace, run, single, small, today, ubuntu, updated, version
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    03-02-15, 23:32
  9. Raspbian For Banana Pi v2.0

    Started by Larry-G, 04-01-15 11:00
    bin, boot, changed, create, drivers, file, files, forum, hey, http, image, images, installed, key, light, linux, logitech, main, original, power, problem, serial, share, usb, wifi
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    04-01-15, 11:00
  10. Android-x86 4.4-r2

    Started by Larry-G, 04-01-15 07:36
    android, create, drivers, error, files, firmware, format, forum, google, hardware, hat, how to, http, images, iso, latest, logs, main, problems, public, stick, updates, usb, version, work
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    04-01-15, 07:36
  11. Raspbian 2014-12-24

    Started by Larry-G, 26-12-14 15:59
    based, board, configuration, download, downloads, firmware, fix, hacking, http, image, images, mini, post, release, released, run, running, set, setting, single, time, tips, updates, usb, version
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    26-12-14, 15:59
  12. Wifislax 4.10

    Started by Larry-G, 22-12-14 13:01
    based, connection, disk, file, fit, hard, hat, http, image, including, installing, iso, kernel, linux, live, project, run, security, server, time, update, updated, user, version, wireless
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    22-12-14, 13:01
  13. GParted Live disc

    Started by Larry-G, 24-11-10 19:54
    backup, broke, broken, disc, disk, enhanced, file, files, great, hard, hat, http, image, installed, iso, latest, linux, par, password, recovery, small, usb, used, user, utility
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    21-12-14, 10:49
  14. Clonezilla Live CD

    Started by Larry-G, 16-01-11 13:48
    backup, boot, called, changed, create, disk, drive, format, free, hard, hard drive, harddisk, http, image, iso, jfs, lan, linux, make, online, plus, problem, public, remotely, vmware
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    21-12-14, 10:39
  15. Angry Switching off Audio Description

    Started by Barig, 23-10-14 16:18
    annoying, audio, bbc, box, called, channels, command, description, english, feature, good, how to, itv, people, poor, screen, sky, solo, sony, switched, switching, turn, vu+, vu+ solo, watch
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    23-10-14, 16:37
  16. Raspberry PI

    Started by Stanman, 01-12-13 12:39
    addons, available, buttons, card, complete, easy, format, how to, http, install, iphone, know, man, pressing, programs, raspberry, raspberry pi, rebuild, section, stanman, tapatalk, think, use, vu+, win
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    16-05-14, 14:49
  17. Raspberry Pi

    Started by Stanman, 22-04-14 23:11
    900, devices, forward, ftp, just, losing, network, raspberry, raspberry pi, router, star, started, suggestions, tapatalk, update, using, work
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    22-04-14, 23:11
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    26-03-14, 21:13
  18. Distro Astro

    Started by seame, 21-01-14 09:13
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    21-01-14, 09:13
  19. giga blue image

    Started by paulphg, 09-01-14 14:58
    2 Pages
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    blue, bootloader, bought, different, flashed, flashing, format, giga, going, help, image, images, introduction, ive, loader, past, process, quad, recently, screen, thought, usb, wont, works, wrong
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    11-01-14, 02:13
  20. Linux for dummies

    Started by seame, 12-12-13 18:21
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    13-12-13, 14:38
  21. Zorin and tor browser

    Started by seame, 11-12-13 23:06
    64bit, aged, antivirus, bee, bit, browser, choosing, install, lol, recommend, sorted, success
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    11-12-13, 23:21
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    10-12-13, 16:41
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    30-11-13, 21:32
  22. Parted Magic

    Started by Larry-G, 29-12-10 17:23
    2 Pages
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    2.3, applications, bei, bmi, disk, downloads, drives, gparted, hard, http, images, img, iso, live, magic, main, net, offers, parted, partition, programs, small, tes, testdisk, usb
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    02-08-13, 08:07
  23. Wifislax released final version-4.6

    Started by Larry-G, 31-07-13 17:12
    auto, beta, boot, changed, changelog, drivers, editor, fault, http, latest, linux, main, module, plugin, problems, remains, running, save, scan, testing, updates, upgraded, upgrades, utility, version
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    31-07-13, 17:12
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    26-07-13, 23:01
  24. DEFT Linux 8.

    Started by Larry-G, 21-07-13 05:55
    beta, big, bugs, download, good, guys, hat, http, images, iso, launch, linux, manual, project, release, stay, stick, team, user, version, virtual, vmware, work, works, workstation
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    21-07-13, 05:55

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