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Threads 1 to 30 of 261

Forum: Technomate TM-800 HD Talk

  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: How to USB flash TM800 HD

    Started by Sicilian, 07-03-11 14:01
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    10-11-12, 11:10
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: How to install usb adopter

    Started by bassethound, 23-08-11 20:30
    192, 193, 469, 690, adapter, adopter, center, color, how to, http, img, install, size, usb
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    23-08-11, 20:30
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: How to install Rytec EPG to UR images

    Started by Sicilian, 13-03-11 08:35
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    13-03-11, 08:35
  5. Sticky Thread Sticky: Correct WIFI TM800 settings guide

    Started by Sicilian, 22-01-11 10:18
    correct, follow, guide, hidden, images, interface, key, menu, network, networks, router, scan, select, set, settings, setup, spot, tes, tested, tm800, type, use, wifi, wireless, works
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    22-01-11, 10:18
  6.   Normal Threads  

  1. Newbie Nelp with TM800

    Started by telveskid, 05-03-17 13:36
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    05-03-17, 13:36
  2. Help needed with TM800 EPG

    Started by electrocop, 12-01-17 16:49
    • 2
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    12-01-17, 18:06
  3. Terrestrial tuner TM-800HD

    Started by coopershels, 15-11-16 22:18
    technomate tm-800, terrestrial, tuner
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    16-11-16, 12:22
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    07-09-15, 12:10
  4. CrossEPG and Rytec EPG

    Started by jayjayuk, 25-06-15 02:57
    • 8
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    25-06-15, 03:58
  5. technomate tm800hd

    Started by beck, 27-02-15 00:43
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    27-02-15, 21:23
  6. bootloop or what else

    Started by pillemon, 21-10-14 06:16
    bootloop, card, digidude, display, download, firmware, flash, hat, help, hey, image, ing, load, loop, make, new, problem, reader, shows, site, star, starting, tm800hd, usb, work
    • 3
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    21-10-14, 09:17
  7. The best image for TM 800HD

    Started by theo, 30-11-13 00:22
    800hd, best, bet, better, board, box, code, does, download, friends, help, http, image, load, plz, post, receiver, reply, screen, support, thank, tm800hd, upgrade, vix, vix image
    • 5
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    30-11-13, 17:55
  8. Playback of media files

    Started by morrisg, 21-10-13 10:09
    500, bet, better, connected, external, fastest, file, files, hat, hdd, hello, htc, install, internal, make, media, playback, possible, recorded, sensation, tapatalk, usb, using
    • 1
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    21-10-13, 12:35
  9. Removed Cccam by Mistake

    Started by Spurs, 20-10-13 10:04
    box, cam, cccam, channels, day, download, guy, guys, list, load, locked, longer, losing, mistake, named, removed, sky, softcam, sort, started, tm800hd, unlocked, update, updating, watch
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    20-10-13, 10:04
  10. TM 800HD pic problem

    Started by chinywhite, 04-10-13 00:31
    800hd, black, black screen, box, come, does, firmware, got, hat, hey, image, just, need, pic, pics, point, problem, problems, right, scrap, screen, sell, tell, tm800hd, total
    • 4
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    19-10-13, 23:38
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    04-10-13, 16:53
  11. Picons and Technomate 800HD

    Started by YWNWA, 28-09-13 08:16
    305, 800hd, box, directory, filezilla, flash, ftp, hdd, ing, looked, need, picon, picons, program, putting, root, send, tapatalk, tech, technomate, tutorial, usb, using
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    30-09-13, 07:55
  12. Is It A Brick ?.

    Started by uncletufty, 28-09-13 23:04
    800, address, bbc, blue, box, button, company, display, fixed, images, light, loaded, minutes, openbox, panel, receiver, remote, satellite, screen, slots, standby, starting, switch, time, usb
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    29-09-13, 04:41
  13. Newby

    Started by taffski, 18-09-13 17:14
    800, able, act, box, contact, guide, install, internet, just, know, newb, newby, skype, sly, tech, technomate, unable
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    26-09-13, 12:54
  14. Exclamation sky uk channel list can any one help me ?

    Started by chrissyedd90, 12-03-13 18:42
    2 Pages
    1 2
    2nd, box, channel, channel list, coming, dont, dream, dream box, edit, editors, help, installing, invalid, ive, keeps, latest, link, list, mister, need, section, sky, sky uk, sly, use
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    14-07-13, 08:55
  15. help needed TM880hd

    Started by bill fisher, 11-07-13 12:19
    address, bin, black, box, button, centre, change, control, dbedit, factory, file, flashing, image, menu, needed, password, picture, point, run, running, screen, small, software, technomate, white
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    12-07-13, 16:31
  16. cant install plugins

    Started by gerryd13, 12-07-13 13:22
    bad, cannot, channel, create, directory, enigma, enigma2, exist, extensions, file, files, ftp, hdd, idea, init, install, ipk, looking, magic, media, module, named, number, plugin, plugins
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    12-07-13, 14:55
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    27-06-13, 10:25
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    10-06-13, 14:18
  17. 'Share' VU+ Duo tuner with TM800

    Started by markcr0, 07-05-13 15:08
    advance, bouquets, cable, channel, cost, downstairs, duo, ethernet, fine, guys, room, run, sat, share, sharing, signal, stream, tm800, tuner, tuners, ups, upstairs, vu+, vu+ duo, working
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    09-06-13, 18:57
  18. is satelites xml file updated ?

    Started by dan44762000, 04-06-13 13:05
    bouquets, box, boxes, channel, channel lists, correct, dan, does, download, file, ftp, latest, lists, load, place, receiver, satellites, updated, xml
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    04-06-13, 16:07
  19. TM800HD Timeshift Fix

    Started by simon4545, 23-05-12 19:23
    2 Pages
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    01-05-13, 00:13
  20. Question rytec EPG importer on UR image?

    Started by rohtang666, 05-04-13 14:58
    access, bar, bee, big, blue, command, enigma, enigma2, epg, extensions, fault, image, info, install, magic, mipsel, newbie, plugin, problem, rytec, stb, telnet, wrong, xml, xmltvimport
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    07-04-13, 22:50
    • 3
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    25-03-13, 14:08
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    25-03-13, 12:24
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    23-03-13, 15:22
  21. factory reset

    Started by roystheboy, 14-02-13 12:29
    2 Pages
    1 2
    box, car, card, channels, dish, dreamboxedit, edition, epg, factory, fastest, hello, help, hey, image, installed, loose, need, reader, reset, running, satellite, sats, setup, switch, tm800hd
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    16-02-13, 10:15
  22. TM800 Picon Infobar HDD Fix

    Started by simon4545, 05-06-12 14:59
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    13-02-13, 19:22
  23. TM800 not booting

    Started by manicscrewdriver, 01-02-13 23:01
    • 5
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    10-02-13, 21:31

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